The so-called Peace Wall divides western Belfast, with the mountain Black Mountain in the background. Photo: Wilma Sörman Ivarzon.
Of: Wilma Sörman Ivarzon
Although Northern Ireland has been peaceful on paper for 23 years, the parties to the conflict have remained divided. Some argue that it is because of the so-called peace wall, which divides Republican and loyalist areas and thus prevents meetings and integration. Others say that the wall is a vital protection against aggression from the other side, and that if it is torn down, Belfast may once again be marked by violence, death and terror.
January 21, 2022, Analysis, FUF-correspondents
According to the UK, the security pact Aukus will contribute to increased security for the country and create hundreds of new jobs. Photo: 12019/10259 images. Source: Pixabay.
Of: Myra Pernvall
In September this year, the United Kingdom, Australia and the United States went public with the countries forming a new security pact called Aukus. The vision of the agreement is to establish peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific region. At the same time, most countries have clearly expressed their disapproval and it can be questioned whether Aukus is really stabilizing the global security situation - or whether the pact will lead to the opposite.
December 17, 2021, FUF-correspondents, Reconnaissance