International efforts are now needed to stifle the global oxygen crisis. Photo: Id Irwan & Samuel Ramos, Unsplash
Of: Wintana Abraham
With the covid-19 pandemic, the sharply increased demand for oxygen has exceeded supply, especially in many low- and middle-income countries around the world. The situation is now critical for healthcare in these regions and the need for global support measures is urgent.
March 25, 2021, News
For almost 60 years, Cuba has attracted attention for sending medical brigades to crisis-stricken regions, such as the earthquake in Haiti in 2010 and the Ebola outbreak in West Africa in 2014. Photo: Julia Spaton Goppers
Of: Julia Spaton Goppers
Many may associate Cuba with charming cars from the fifties, Che Guevara, cigar production and Hemingway's depictions of the sea and nature. The list can be made long, but at present Cuba's exports of medical personnel to the rest of the world are probably the most noticed. Normally, more than 30 Cubans work in 000 different countries, but since the outbreak of the coronavirus, […]
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May 27, 2020, Chronicle
Of: Sarah Hyde
The corona crisis has started the debate about how big Sweden's aid should really be. The goal that one percent of Sweden's GNI should go to development assistance has met with both defense and criticism on debate and leadership pages this week. The Corona pandemic further highlights the need for international cooperation, according to several debaters.
May 20, 2020, Current debate
In high-income countries, pharmaceutical research is highly regulated, while in low-income countries there is often a lack of clear ethical regulations.
Of: Isabella Overödder
The Corona pandemic has sparked discussions about whether new vaccines and medicines should be tested in low-income countries. It is a historical trend that drug research is carried out on economically disadvantaged people, while it is the richer people who ultimately have access to the medicines.
May 11, 2020, Reportage
Contraceptives that work for several years and can be hidden, such as IUDs, can give women greater freedom. Photo: Donna G, Flickr
Of: Molly Jerlstrom
In Zambia, a quarter of women in need of family planning do not have access to it. Despite challenges with stigma and a lack of information, great progress is being made that gives women new opportunities and conditions in life. The development magazine has met Linnéa Wallén, who has visited Zambia to study gynecology in the country.
December 11, 2019, Interview
Diabetes is a disease that is caused by having too high levels of glucose, sugar, in the blood. Photo: Jessica A DuVernay
Of: Hanne Nordqvist
November 14 is World Diabetes Day. A new report shows that what was previously a so-called welfare disease is no longer a problem only in high-income countries. Now the number of diabetics is increasing instead, mainly in low-income countries.
November 14, 2019, News
Climate change is closely linked to human health and our entire welfare, the debater writes.
Of: Rosanna Färnman
The United Kingdom, Germany, and Norway are some of the countries that have developed global health strategies. This week, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Social Affairs presented the publication Sweden's work with global health - for the implementation of Agenda 2030. The think tank Global Challenge welcomes the publication. Now there are deep dives, priorities, leadership and commitment.
November 6, 2018, Debate
Of: Pernille Fenger
Every year, half a million women worldwide fall ill with cervical cancer - and about half of them die from the disease. With the right political and medical efforts, the number of people affected by cervical cancer could be reduced by up to 90 percent, writes the UN Population Fund UNFPA.
February 20, 2018, Debate
Of: Noura Hamladji
At the same time as the conflict in Libya continues, the citizens are faced with a lack of societal functions. Power outages are many and can be a direct danger to life for people in need of care. Installing solar panels in hospitals is a simple but vital measure, writes Noura Hamladji, country director of the UN development program UNDP in Libya.
December 19, 2017, Debate
Of: Gunilla Källenius and Olle Stendahl
To fight the diseases of poverty is to fight poverty. Today, people in the world's poorest countries fall ill and die mainly from diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis, HIV, respiratory infections and diarrheal diseases. The declining support for research on global health is therefore unacceptable, write Gunilla Källenius and Olle Stendahl.
September 13, 2017, Debate