Continued arms exports to the war in Yemen. Photo: Felton Davis, Flickr, CC BY 2.0
Of: Hanna Kristiansen
In the government's foreign policy debate at the end of February, the focus was on Sweden's involvement through humanitarian aid in the serious conflict in Yemen. At the same time, the export of Swedish munitions to the warring parties continues, which contributes to human rights violations. Sweden's arms exports are in sharp contrast to the development policy adopted by the Riksdag, says Magnus Walan, senior policy adviser at Diakonia
May 3, 2021, Reportage
Per Olsson Fridh is State Secretary with responsibility for the Swedish Government's international work on Agenda 2030.
Of: The Chancellery
Sweden has a stated ambition to be a world leader in achieving the global goals in Agenda 2030, in Sweden and globally. So what is Sweden doing to, for example, eradicate poverty and fight climate change in the world? FUF and Concord received an interview with State Secretary Per Olsson Fridh.
May 14, 2020, Interview
Of: Alina Östling
A new report from the organization Open Government Partnership shows that Sweden has made progress in terms of transparency in development assistance, but that there are still a number of shortcomings. In particular, better information is needed on when, to whom and why development assistance funds have been paid out. The government must also allocate sufficient resources to ensure transparency in the implementation and follow-up of the policy for global development (PGU), writes the report's author Alina Östling.
January 25, 2017, Debate
Of: David Nilsson
Since the 1970s, Swedish research assistance has focused on building research capacity in developing countries, in order to strengthen the independence of these countries. But international cooperation is no longer just about solidarity - it is about common survival. Therefore, Sweden needs to rethink research and development assistance, and seriously bring the global challenges to the research agenda, writes researcher David Nilsson.
June 23, 2016, Debate
Of: Annelie Andersson
Swedish pension money contributes to small farmers in Latin America losing land that guarantees their livelihood. Human rights and democracy must never be the prize for maximizing economic gain. Therefore, Sweden must take its responsibility in land issues, writes Annelie Andersson from the Latin American groups.
April 20, 2016, Debate
Of: Christer Winbäck and Karin Olofsson
Small and light weapons kill 1368 people every day. It is high time to highlight the importance of weapons in fueling conflict and violence. And it is time to strengthen the preventive work against armed violence in development cooperation, write Karin Olofsson and Christer Winbäck from the Parliamentary Forum for small and light weapons issues.
November 26, 2015, Debate
Of: Jesper Bengtsson
The debate has been heated about Sweden's arms agreement with Saudi Arabia. Many have questioned whether Swedish exports should be subject to human rights requirements. Now we must ask ourselves in what way trade can be part of a coordinated policy for global development, writes journalist Jesper Bengtsson.
March 12, 2015, Debate
Of: Petra Flaum
In its change in development aid policy, the government applies frivolous methods that do not befit Swedish democracy. The opposition contributes to legitimizing the government's methods by not pointing out the constitutionally razor-sharp differences between letters and bills, while officials do not dare to comment on the issue. It writes Petra Flaum, policy and development strategist
May 14, 2014, Debate
Of: Anders Nilsson, Gunilla Åkesson, Jonas Ewald and Kajsa Johansson
The government's development aid policy platform, which is now being consulted, is strongly ideologised and analytically deficient. That is the opinion of Jonas Ewald, Kajsa Johansson, Anders Nilsson and Gunilla Åkesson at Linnaeus University, who recently submitted their consultation response.
February 19, 2014, Debate
Of: Bertil Odén
The delayed development assistance platform, which is now out for immediate consultation, suffers from at least five ambiguities that should be addressed before it is submitted to the Riksdag. That is the opinion of Bertil Odén, a writer with long experience of development aid and development issues.
February 5, 2014, Debate