The OECD wants companies to take responsibility for the entire production chain. Photo: USAID Pakistan
Of: Agnes Duregård
The OECD has developed special guidelines for multinational companies to make companies take responsibility for their entire supply chain. Multinational companies must both work preventively and take responsibility for the consequences the business may have in low- and middle-income countries.
May 3, 2018, FUF-correspondents
Of: Ulrika Modéer
Business collaboration in development assistance is about taking advantage of the knowledge, experience and resources that the business community has at its disposal and to catalyze more, better and faster change. Penny Davies, Diakonia, is concerned that important principles for aid effectiveness will be thwarted when the OCED DAC now reviews which private sector instruments should be counted as aid. Sweden is working with full force to prevent this from happening, writes State Secretary Ulrika Modéer.
April 3, 2017, Debate
Of: Penny Davies
Discussions are currently underway within the OECD's Development Assistance Committee DAC on what can be counted as development assistance. Today, 9 March, the Committee will take a position on new types of instruments aimed at increasing private sector participation in development assistance. This reform can have very major consequences for development aid and therefore requires in-depth discussion. Otherwise, there is a risk that the reform thumbs up on important principles for aid effectiveness, writes Penny Davies, policy adviser in development financing at Diakonia.
March 9, 2017, Debate
Of: Annie Sturinge (f. Sturesson)
Lots of extra aid money is needed to meet the UN's new sustainability goals. To get there, we must have a more generous definition of aid. We need assistance that stimulates innovation and private capital, writes Annie Sturesson, senior economist at the Ministry of Finance in Uganda.
August 27, 2015, Debate
Of: Erik Svanberg
The growing trend of financing refugee reception with aid can contribute to a dangerous change of attitude, where immigration is not seen as a natural phenomenon that deserves a stable place in a country's domestic policy but instead becomes associated with aid, philanthropy and generosity. That is the opinion of Erik Svanberg, writer and student at the University of St Andrews and Renmin University of China.
October 28, 2013, Debate