The world's largest lithium reserves are found in the so-called lithium triangle in South America. China's influence over the continent is increasing – among other things, by the country investing in the extraction of minerals. Pictured: Lithium mine in Jujuy province, Argentina. Photo: Earthworks. Source: Flickr.
Of: Daniel Diaz
In step with the green transition and the increased production of electric cars, the world is hungry for the "white gold" - lithium. Latin America could become a geopolitical projection surface as economic superpowers fight over access to lithium, and this could have consequences for both the environment and people.
January 29, 2024, Development magazine explains
The organization "Black History Walks" organizes guided tours in London, where they highlight the colonial history that has built up the city and its streets. Photo: Leandra Pedretti.
Of: Leandra Pedretti
During a guided tour with the organization Black History Walks in London's financial district, I reflect on the assumptions that exist in the language we use when discussing development issues. What do we really mean when we talk about "underdeveloped" countries? What does it mean to be underdeveloped? I find my own answers to these questions in the colonial history of England.
November 30, 2021, FUF-correspondents, Chronicle
Illustrating the Importance of Water in the Navajo Nation Photo: Dig Deep
Of: Alice Antoniou and Julia Mühlhauser
Covid-19 has increased awareness of the importance of sanitation globally; however, many face challenges meeting hygiene needs due to difficulties accessing clean water. Native Americans in the United States are particularly hard hit by this issue.
December 19, 2020, English, Magazine, News article, News
Thousands of children and adults work in the cobalt mines in Congo, without either approved equipment or a living wage. Photo: Fairphone (CC BY-NC-SA)
Of: Kevin Perera
Imagine a world where emissions are basically limited to the production of a battery. After that, then you are free. Free from the now established climate anxiety, free from slowly but surely manipulating the state of our fine planet. This is your chance to choose a green path for a better tomorrow. Such a tomorrow can […]
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March 25, 2020, Chronicle