Week 6: Debaters react to the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria

Over the past week, several debaters have responded to the catastrophic earthquakes that have hit Turkey and Syria - and the discussion that has followed the earthquakes. Pictured: the wreckage of a collapsed building in Diyarbakır, Turkey. Photo: VOA. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Of: Elianne Kjellman and Ellen Norman

On Swedish opinion pages, several debaters have appealed for humanity and humanitarian support after the earthquake disaster in Turkey and Syria. Russia's war in Ukraine has also been discussed after intense robot attacks from Russia.   

February 13, 2023, Current debate

Several countries affected by extreme weather - results of climate change

The Philippines is one of the countries in the world that is most vulnerable to natural disasters. Photo: EU Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid. Source: Flickr.

Of: Villemo Warnerfjord

Landslides, torrential rains and tropical storms have affected both the Philippines and South Africa. The devastation is enormous and the rescue work is in full swing. DN reports on hundreds of deaths and missing persons. These are examples of the consequences of climate change, according to researchers.

May 4, 2022, News