Of: Helena Anthony
The XNUMX% target leads to more efficient ways of conducting assistance, such as issuing guarantees, being prioritized because they generate few payments and therefore do not contribute to meeting the target. Sida should instead upgrade the guarantee instrument for effective assistance.
- It is becoming increasingly clear that the one percent goal is a black on the foot for effective development assistance activities, says Helena Antoni, responsible for development aid and development issues within the Moderates.
June 23, 2021, Debate
Of: Anna Bertmar Khan
Resistance. A force to withstand difficulties, crises and chaos. What makes a person strong? Is it possible to provide outside support to build an inner strength? After a year of extreme difficulties for many of the world's poor, we need to ask ourselves the question - how do you build resilience?
June 17, 2021, Debate
Of: Ulrika Modéer
Business collaboration in development assistance is about taking advantage of the knowledge, experience and resources that the business community has at its disposal and to catalyze more, better and faster change. Penny Davies, Diakonia, is concerned that important principles for aid effectiveness will be thwarted when the OCED DAC now reviews which private sector instruments should be counted as aid. Sweden is working with full force to prevent this from happening, writes State Secretary Ulrika Modéer.
April 3, 2017, Debate
Of: Annie Sturinge (f. Sturesson)
Lots of extra aid money is needed to meet the UN's new sustainability goals. To get there, we must have a more generous definition of aid. We need assistance that stimulates innovation and private capital, writes Annie Sturesson, senior economist at the Ministry of Finance in Uganda.
August 27, 2015, Debate