Measures that protect the environment against mass tourism

People crowd along the popular Southbank cultural strip in London. Image: Oatsy40/Flickr

Of: Nina Kedia

The tourism industry, one of the world's largest markets, turns over trillions of dollars every year. Globalization has made travel easier, but has also led to negative consequences for people, animals and nature. Fclay initiative trying to reverse the trend.    

November 25, 2024, News

Week 46: Debaters criticize Sweden's climate policy and new constitutional amendment

In connection with the COP27 climate meeting, several debaters criticized Sweden's climate policy. Photo: Tim Dennell. Source: Flickr.

Of: Sandra Duru and Vilma Ellemark

The UN climate summit in Egypt has raised questions about Sweden's climate policy and responsibility internationally. Several debaters also criticize the Swedish constitutional amendment on foreign espionage, which they believe makes it more difficult to review international collaborations. 

November 23, 2022, Current debate

Week 42: Strong reactions after the decision to close the Ministry of the Environment

The fact that the Ministry of the Environment will be closed has been debated during the week. Photo: CEphoto, Uwe Aranas. Source: Wikimedia commons.

Of: Amanda Rossling and Karin Sjöstrand

Last week, Sweden's new ministers were appointed and with this the closure of the Ministry of the Environment was also presented, something that created strong reactions around the country. The decision is criticized by Sweden's former climate and environment minister, who believes that the consequences could be catastrophic for environmental work. 

October 24, 2022, Current debate

The climate drives people from their homes

Millions of people will be forced to flee due to climate change in the next 30 years, according to the World Bank. Photo: Geralt. Source: Pixabay.

Of: Andrea Thorgren

Every day people in the world are forced to flee their homes. If we don't slow down the climate crisis, 143 million people will be forced to flee by the year 2050. But are people fleeing because of climate change or because they can't make a living? 

August 11, 2022, Almedalen - article, Reportage

Sustainable consumption and production – a major challenge for Sweden

Unsustainable consumption is one of the main causes of climate change - and that we thereby risk the stability of the planet, say Johan Rockström, professor of environmental science, and several other environmental scientists. Photo: dmncwndrlch/Pixabay, Twitter.

Of: Fanny Tegman Lindholm

Sweden's material footprint is increasing and sustainable consumption and production patterns are one of our biggest challenges. During In Almedal week 2022, there was a consensus among researchers about the negative impact of overconsumption on the climate. Strongly reduced carbon dioxide emissions and more circular flows of goods and services are examples of more sustainable consumption patterns, but the road there is complicated.

July 26, 2022, Almedalen - article, Reportage

Per Bolund (MP) promised a billion investment for the climate in his Almedal speech

Per Bolund (MP) highlighted, among other things, the climate crisis, NATO and Russia's invasion of Ukraine in his party leadership speech during Almedalen Week. In addition, he mostly focused on climate policy in Sweden. Photo: Julia Lundén Azzeddine.

Of: Julia Lundén Azzeddine, Andreas Klawitter and Elin Malmqvist

In Per Bolund's (MP) party leadership speech during Almedalen Week, he raised, among other things, the climate crisis, the issue of Swedish NATO membership and that Sweden should become independent of Russian gas. In addition, the focus was mostly on climate policy within Sweden's borders - despite the fact that the outside world is a recurring theme in the Green Party's party program.

July 7, 2022, Almedalen - article, News

Stockholm + 50 is already forgotten - but the climate activists continue the fight

When politicians promise a lot but do not live up to their promises, it is no wonder that people get annoyed. It's easy to lose hope - it's been a long time since I thought a climate conference would lead to results that actually work. It writes FUF correspondent Sofia Karlsson in a column. Photo: Derek Read. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Of: Sofia Karlsson

At the beginning of June, the UN meeting Stockholm + 50 took place, to mark 50 years since the first international climate conference was held in Sweden. But despite a lot of commotion before the conference, it was mostly talk and a little workshop. It is still young climate activists who are forced to lead the fight for climate justice.  

June 30, 2022, FUF-correspondents, Chronicle

The Ukraine war becomes important for the UN climate summit in Stockholm

For several years, there have been climate demonstrations around the world. Now in June, the countries of the world gather at the UN climate summit +50 in Stockholm with the ambition of reaching increased consensus in climate change. Photo: Callum Shaw. Source: Unsplash.

Of: Idun Eklind

On 2 and 3 June, the UN climate summit +50 will be held at Älvsjömässan in Stockholm, where Sweden together with Kenya will host. The impending climate crisis requires adaptation work that makes Agenda 2030 a reality, and the Ukraine War may have an impact on future climate work.

June 1, 2022, Notis

The heat wave in India and Pakistan reflects the extreme weather of the future

Caption: Extreme heat in India affects people's livelihoods when crops die due to drought. Photo: Sam Greenhalgh. Source: Flickr.

Of: Fanny Andersson

India and Pakistan have experienced extreme heat unusually early in the year. The heat affects 1,5 billion people in the countries - and fPeople are expected to be affected in the future if climate change is not slowed down globally and regionally, researchers say.

May 24, 2022, News

Is the climate crisis racist?

Karl-Anders Larsson, freelance writer and member of FUF's book club, reviews the book Climate Change is Racist, written by Jeremy Williams.

Of: Karl-Anders Larsson

The book Climate Change is Racist claims that the causes and effects of the climate crisis are mainly linked to racism. But is it not more about inequality? It writes Karl-Anders Larsson, independent writer and member of FUF's book club.

May 23, 2022, Review