Opportunities and risks with the EU's new migration pact

New migration cooperation in the EU has long been high on the agenda, not least since the so-called refugee crisis in 2015. The development magazine explains what the EU's new migration pact is about - and the voices for and against it. Photo (left): Håkan Dahlström. Source: Wikimedia commons. Photo (right): Mstyslav Chernov. Source: Wikimedia commons.

Of: Adam hansen

I April voted EU finally through one ny migration pact. While the wide middle in the European Parliament believes that the pact constitutes an important compromise and creates solidarity, both human rights organizations and voices critical of immigrants have criticized the agreement. The development magazine sort out the arguments for and emot the pact. 

June 5, 2024, Development magazine explains

Why should you vote in the EU elections?

June 6 to 9 are the EU elections. Karin Flordal from Sieps believes that it is an important right, but also an obligation, to make one's voice heard. Photo (left): European Parliament. Source: Wikimedia Commons. Photo (right): Karin Flordal. Source: Sieps.

Of: Elianne Kjellman

On June 6 to 9, the EU elections take place. Decisions made at EU level affect us all the time, both big and small. Nevertheless, it can be difficult to understand what the election actually means. The development magazine has talked to Karin Flordal, investigator at Swedish Institute for European Political Studies (Sieps), as believes that one does not need to be an expert on EU issues to vote in the future parliamentsthe choice. 

June 3, 2024, Interview

Week 22: Migration in focus as debaters set their sights on the EU elections

During the past week, several debaters have written about the EU's migration pact. Some defend the pact and say it will reduce immigration, while others criticize it and say it could contribute to more deaths at sea. Photo (left): Canva. Photo (right): Commander, US Naval Forces Europe. Source: Flickr.

Of: Jakob Kerren

The week before the EU elections sailed EU's migration pact back on the debate pages. The Pact severely criticized by several pkribent, who believe that it undermines the right to asylum and contributes to abuses against refugees. The Migration Pact chief negotiator, Thomas Tobe (M), mean However, that it is a step in the right direction towards lower immigration to Sweden and Europe.  

June 3, 2024, Current debate

Week 15: The EU's new migration pact arouses reactions among debaters

The European Parliament has voted through a new pact for the Union's migration policy - which has been met with both criticism and praise during the past week. Photo: European Parliament. Source: Flickr.

Of: Adam hansen

The European Parliament's new migration pact arouses emotions. Several debaters see the pact as necessary for a more stable EU. Others are doubtful about the pact's long-term consequences in relation to both the right to asylum and human rights. 

April 15, 2024, Current debate

Week 14: Debater calls for mobilization before the EU elections

The elections to the European Parliament will be held on June 6-9, 2024. Mobilization of progressive votes, Russian disinformation and the risk of espionage within the EU are some of the topics discussed by debaters during the past week. Pictured: The flag of the European Union in the European Parliament in Strasbourg. Photo: European Parliament. Source: Flickr.

Of: Benjamin Frisk

The elections to the European Parliament in June are approaching. Due to that, several debaters write about the mobilization of progressive voices in Europe, inequality in the Union and the existence of corruption and disinformation.

April 8, 2024, Current debate

Professor on sending asylum seekers to Rwanda: "Act of desperation"

Britain, led by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, wants to send migrants and asylum seekers to Rwanda while their cases are processed. The bill is a way for Rishi Sunak to gain access to right-wing voters and thus win the election, according to SOAS professor Phil Clark. Photo: Sandor Csudai. Source: Melaine Phillips.

Of: Tova Tabacsko

Despite setbacks in the Supreme Court and criticism from civil society, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak continues to push the bill to forcibly transfer asylum seekers to Rwanda. - This is the most extreme measure to outsource the migration system. It is the global North that cleans itself at the expense of refugees, says Phil Clark, professor of international politics at SOAS University of London.

March 25, 2024, FUF-correspondents, Report

Reduced international support for Rohingya – despite worsening situation

In Kutupalong, which is the world's largest refugee camp, almost a million Rohingya refugees live today, waiting for a safe return to their homeland Myanmar. The refugees lack work permits in Bangladesh and are therefore dependent on international humanitarian aid. Photo: Captain Raju. Source: Wikimedia commons.

Of: Adam hansen

The situation is uncertain for Rthe ohingya people in Southeast Asia. The vital humanitarian assistance has been reduced to the refugee camps in Bangladesh, where close to a million rohingy is located. At the same time, violence is escalating in the homeland of Myanmar, which threatens the uncertain future of the ethnic group.  

March 5, 2024, Report

EU cooperates with Tunisia - despite accusations of inhumane treatment of migrants

In July this year, the EU concluded a cooperation agreement with Tunisia with the aim of stopping the large number of African migrants from reaching Europe illegally. The collaboration has been criticized by several different human rights organizations. Photo: Martin Schulz/US Naval Forces Europe-Africa. Source: Flickr.

Of: Mona Adam Abdi

Several human rights organizations have noticed how African migrants are subjected to violence by Tunisian security forces. Reports indicate that migrants forcibly placed and left of difficult conditions in the extreme heat of the Sahara desert - without water and shelter. At the same time, the European Commission has recently concluded a cooperation agreement with Tunisia to put an end to the number of migrants who trying get to Europe.  

November 6, 2023, Development magazine explains

Split opinions on conditional aid

According to the Tidö Agreement, which was concluded between the government and the Sweden Democrats in October 2022, Swedish aid must be a tool to counter irregular migration. Pictured: Tidö Castle and Sweden Democrats party leader Jimmie Åkesson. Photo: Aplstedt/News Øresund. Source: Wikimedia municipality.

Of: Karin Myrdal

Dropped one percent target, withdrawn research funds for development studies and synergies between trade and aid. That's how it has sounded so far this year when the Tidö parties' reform agenda for Swedish aid policy has started to take shape. Critical voices have been raised both from civil society and from the political oppthe osition – not least that reaction to the proposal to use aid as a means of pressure to increase return migration from Sweden. 

July 12, 2023, Report

The EU agrees on a migration pact - under the Swedish presidency

Around 180 people sought to cross the sea to Europe in 000, according to the EU. The EU countries have now agreed on a common migration and asylum pact. Photo: islamicreliefusa. Source: Flickr.

Of: Nora Nattorp

In mid-June, one of the worst migration-related accidents ever occurred in Europe when a boat carrying hundreds of refugees sank in the Mediterranean Sea. About two weeks before the incident, negotiations on a new migration and asylum pact within the EU were completed. This pact has been one of the focus areas during Sweden's presidency of the EU Council of Ministers in 2023.

July 12, 2023, Report