Wheat is an important source of nutrition for millions of people. Photo: Yura Khomitskyi. Source: Unspalsh
Of: Idun Eklind
In total, Ukraine and Russia account for 30 percent of global wheat production and 20 percent of world corn production. As long as the conflict and fighting in Ukraine continue, the grain in the country will be both difficult to sow and harvest. Wheat and maize are the primary food for billions of people, and now the war in Europe's granary risks contributing to increased food security in countries in Africa and the Middle East.
April 28, 2022, News
Qatar's emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani will in future share power with an advisory body, but he still has a veto on all important issues. Photo: Ahmad Thamer Al Kuwari. Source: Flickr.
Of: Tilda Janbrink
As next year's host nation for the World Cup, Qatar has caught the eye of the world. In early October, the country went to the polls for the first time ever - but the population's actual influence over politics is still limited.
November 9, 2021, Analysis
The issue of water resources has become absolutely crucial for countries in the Middle East and their security. Photo: VicunaR / Flickr.
Of: Julia Lundén Azzeddine
Crises and conflicts in the Middle East seem to have an almost permanent place in Swedish as well as international media reporting. What is rarely mentioned is the effect that water scarcity exacerbated by climate change has and will continue to have on the region's countries and any conflicts that may erupt as a result of the water issue in the future.
November 3, 2021, Analysis
Of: Frida Ekberg Berry
In Jordan, there is today a feminist struggle for greater equality. As in all countries, this struggle is met with more or less resistance from its surroundings. Some see feminism as a Western phenomenon while others believe that gender equality is about human rights.
April 9, 2021, Reportage
Several debaters think that Sweden and the EU must support the Kurdish groups in northern Syria. Not least after Turkey's threat of an offensive. Photo: Kurdishstruggle (CC BY 2.0 License)
Of: Amanda Wibne Romild
This week, US President Trump has decided to withdraw his forces from Syria. At the same time, he gave the go-ahead for Turkish forces to launch an offensive. Something that has aroused a lot of debate on Swedish opinion pages. This is a great betrayal on the part of the United States, say this week's debaters who want the outside world to stand up for the Kurds in northern Syria.
October 9, 2019, Current debate
The EU has a unique role to play in contributing to lasting peace in Israel and Palestine, writes a number of former ministers.
Of: Ravneet Singh
How the EU pursues its policy in the Middle East can be crucial to the possibility of achieving peace between Israel and Palestine. It writes a long line of former foreign ministers and heads of government in a debate article. At the same time, attention is being paid to the EU's new rules on food imports.
April 17, 2019, Current debate