Cultural expression is not a matter of course for everyone

Mehdi rajabian setar مهدی رجبیان سه تار نوازی. Jpg "by Mif.dang. CC Search.

Of: Isabelle Hed

In repressive regimes, cultural expression can have devastating consequences. Composer Mehdi Rajabian has been arrested for the third time due to the Iranian regime's disapproval of his music. Privileged countries must act on the basis of their assigned rights and freedoms for those living under tyranny and oppression.

September 25, 2020, Chronicle

Indigenous peoples in Peru are fighting for their rights

In the mountain village of Umachulco in Peru, women work together to strengthen their rights. Photo: Louise Gripenberg.

Of: Louise Gripenberg

In the mountain village of Umachulco in southern Peru, women have joined a national women's indigenous organization called Femucarinap. They work to increase the community and strengthen their rights, which has led to increased hope for a vulnerable people.

September 17, 2020, Chronicle

Human rights organizations stopped new defense decree in Ecuador

Ecuador's Ombudsman Freddy Carrión Intriago has an important role to play in defending human rights. Photo: Defensoría del pueblo

Of: Jessica Johansson

A new decree in Ecuador is criticized for increasing the military's presence during protests and for allowing deadly violence against protesters. Human rights organizations stopped the decree in the Constitutional Court - with the help of the country's Ombudsman. The Development Magazine has spoken to the noted Ombudsman.

July 17, 2020, FUF-correspondents

Swedish municipalities and regions can make a difference

Johan Lily

Johan Lilja thinks that Swedish regions and municipalities have an important role to play internationally. Photo: Maria Jansson

Of: Johan Lily

The corona pandemic threatens already strained human rights around the world. It is now more important than ever with democratic institutions at the local level to function. Here, Swedish municipalities and regions with their knowledge and experience can make a difference, writes Johan Lilja at the International Center for Local Democracy.

July 15, 2020, Debate

Corona measures create new protests in Ecuador

Fernando Bastías Robayo in Guayaquil, Ecuador

Fernando Bastías Robayo from the local human rights organization CDH reported during protests in the city of Guayaquil. Photo: Standing Committee on the Defense of Human Rights (CDH)

Of: Jessica Johansson

In the autumn, Ecuador was shaken by mass protests after the government wanted to introduce a austerity package in the country. In May, new protests erupted against the government's corona measures. The government is now worried about the spread of infection while human rights organizations report violence.

July 3, 2020, FUF-correspondents

Binding rules for businesses could have helped the people of Uganda

Why does the government not want to ensure that entrepreneurship goes right to and respects human rights? wonders Mona Monasar. Photo: Tomas Melin

Of: Mona Monasar

Swedish climate compensation led to violence and food shortages among the local population in Uganda. It is a scandal that it can happen without anyone being held accountable. Now the Swedish government must demand that companies respect human rights - even abroad, writes Mona Monasar at the organization FIAN.

June 15, 2020, Debate

Covid-19 creates an acute crisis for democracy

Hand with the text "Stop covid-19"

Authoritarian leaders use the corona crisis as an excuse to, among other things, restrict freedom of expression, writes Anders L Pettersson.

Of: Anders L Pettersson

Repressive regimes around the world see covid-19 as a free card for persecuting and imprisoning human rights defenders. At the same time, the outside world is distracted by the pandemic. Now we must defend democracy by supporting civil society and human rights defenders - not least in authoritarian states, writes Anders L Pettersson on Civil Rights Defenders.

June 8, 2020, Guest chronicle

Debaters warn of violence and oppression in the wake of the coronation

When schools are closed around the world, the risk of girls being exposed to violence increases, Plan International writes in a debate article.

Of: Ina Carlsson

The corona virus is still a common thread in the media's opinion pages, but in the last week the debate has been less about the disease itself and more about how the measures affect democracy and human rights. Debaters have, among other things, warned of increased violence against girls and human rights defenders.

April 29, 2020, Current debate

Do not let the corona knock out democracy!

In several countries, the police and military brutally beat down people who violate the curfew. Photo: Gerd Altmann / Pixabay

Of: Anna Stenwinkel

Increased police violence, censorship and attacks on the opposition. These are some of the effects of more and more authoritarian regimes around the world using the corona crisis to gain more power. The aid organization Forum Syd is now calling on the government to use the democracy initiative to protect democracy and human rights from the coronavirus.

April 27, 2020, Debate