Both Johan Pehrson (L) and Linda Lindberg (SD) focused on domestic politics in their speeches in Almedalen. Photo: FUF.
Of: The Chancellery
During Almedalen's last day, Johan Pehrson (L) and Linda Lindberg (SD) held their party leadership speeches. Johan Pehrson spoke mainly about domestic issues but also mentioned the climate issue and security, while Linda Lindberg only spoke about domestic politics. FUF also interviewed Victoria Öjefors Quinn, political secretary for the Left Party Gotland, about the regional work with Agenda 2030.
July 2, 2023, Almedalen - current
Nyamko Sabuni gave his Almedal speech on Monday 5/7, but the global issues did not materialize
Of: Isabella Hjorth
When the Liberals' Nyamko Sabuni speaks as the third party leader during Almedalen Week, she places great focus on integration and school, but in her speech she never leaves Sweden's borders.
July 5, 2021, News
Nyamko Sabuni gave her first party leadership speech in Almedalen, just a few days after she was elected Liberal party leader.
Of: Alice Agneus, Marika Ploman and Sofia Brännstrom
Liberal party leader Nyamko Sabuni's premiere speech on the classic Almedalen stage focuses on integration and the trending climate theme. She emphasizes the importance of action and that the liberals should be the green political force, but mentions few concrete political proposals.
July 4, 2019, Analysis
Of: Fredrik Malm
The Liberals want Swedish aid to go to countries that invest in development and democracy. Democratic reforms reduce corruption and at the same time benefit countries' economies. This is what the Liberals' foreign policy spokesman Fredrik Malm writes.
July 30, 2018, Debate