Of: Elin Andersdotter Fabre and Johan Hassel
The importance of cities for global development is growing as the world becomes more urbanized. Therefore, global challenges must be tackled at the local level. Today marks the start of Habitat III, the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Urban Development, in Ecuador's capital Quito. Nordic cities can and should take the lead in the transition to sustainable development - let the conference be the starting point for this, write Johan Hassel and Elin Andersdotter Fabre from the think tank Global Challenge.
October 17, 2016, Debate
Of: Anabela Lemos
The latest El Niño affected 1,5 million Mozambicans. The fact that a relatively small rise in temperature in the Pacific Ocean is causing a shortage of food on the other side of the globe should be an eye-opener for politicians. Climate change must be curtailed and the only way is joint global action, writes Anabela Lemos, director of the Africa Groups' partner organization Justiça Ambiental in Mozambique.
August 25, 2016, Debate
Of: Matthias Goldmann
Isabella Lövin has been given a new title. Instead of a Minister for Development Aid, Sweden now has a Minister for International Development Cooperation and Climate. The title opens up new opportunities, writes Mattias Goldmann, CEO of the green and liberal think tank Fores, which here in an open letter delivers five challenges to the minister.
May 27, 2016, Debate
Of: Matthias Goldmann
The climate agreement will be a compromise where everyone must sacrifice something to get something else. The most important thing is that we get an ambitious agreement - while the question of whether it will be binding or not is subordinate and almost academic, writes the debater Mattias Goldmann.
December 8, 2015, Debate
Of: Pontus Wallin
The Nordic countries are secure democracies with stable economies. We have a high standard of living and our ecological footprints are among the largest in the world. Therefore, the Nordic countries should take on a common leadership role during and after the climate negotiations in Paris. That is the opinion of Pontus Wallin, who wrote one essay on climate responsibility.
December 1, 2015, Debate
Of: Carmen Blanco Valer
A system change is required to reduce climate change. We must move away from unbridled consumption and towards a society in harmony with nature. Here, the government can learn from the indigenous movement, says the debater Carmen Blanco Valer.
November 25, 2015, Debate