Week 46: Debaters criticize Sweden's climate policy and new constitutional amendment

In connection with the COP27 climate meeting, several debaters criticized Sweden's climate policy. Photo: Tim Dennell. Source: Flickr.

Of: Sandra Duru and Vilma Ellemark

The UN climate summit in Egypt has raised questions about Sweden's climate policy and responsibility internationally. Several debaters also criticize the Swedish constitutional amendment on foreign espionage, which they believe makes it more difficult to review international collaborations. 

November 23, 2022, Current debate

Week 42: Strong reactions after the decision to close the Ministry of the Environment

The fact that the Ministry of the Environment will be closed has been debated during the week. Photo: CEphoto, Uwe Aranas. Source: Wikimedia commons.

Of: Amanda Rossling and Karin Sjöstrand

Last week, Sweden's new ministers were appointed and with this the closure of the Ministry of the Environment was also presented, something that created strong reactions around the country. The decision is criticized by Sweden's former climate and environment minister, who believes that the consequences could be catastrophic for environmental work. 

October 24, 2022, Current debate

Fateful climate report was released in the shadow of the war in Ukraine

- I have seen many reports, but nothing like the new IPCC report, wrote UN Secretary-General António Guterres after the publication of the UN Climate Panel's latest report.

Of: Moa Backman-Enelius

The UN's latest climate report shows that not enough is being done to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. No matter what measures we take today, we risk reaching an elevated average temperature of 1,5 degrees within two decades, according to Hoesung Lee, chairman of the UN Climate Panel.

March 15, 2022, Notis