Per Bolund (MP) highlighted, among other things, the climate crisis, NATO and Russia's invasion of Ukraine in his party leadership speech during Almedalen Week. In addition, he mostly focused on climate policy in Sweden. Photo: Julia Lundén Azzeddine.
Of: Julia Lundén Azzeddine, Andreas Klawitter and Elin Malmqvist
In Per Bolund's (MP) party leadership speech during Almedalen Week, he raised, among other things, the climate crisis, the issue of Swedish NATO membership and that Sweden should become independent of Russian gas. In addition, the focus was mostly on climate policy within Sweden's borders - despite the fact that the outside world is a recurring theme in the Green Party's party program.
July 7, 2022, Almedalen - article, News
Annie Lööf (C) mentioned several global development issues in her party leadership speech during Almedalen Week - including Swedish development aid, the climate issue and the war in Ukraine. Photo: Hanna Carlsson.
Of: Brusk Ismail, Hanna Carlsson, Linnea Ljungar and Sara Lannebo
Solidarity in the form of aid, joint work for the climate and support for Ukraine is the way forward, according to the Center Party's party leader Annie Lööf. The message in her party leadership speech during Almedalen Week was clear - Ukraine's thing is ours. She also mentioned Swedish aid and that the Center Party stands up for the one percent goal.
July 7, 2022, Almedalen - article, News
The Left Party's party leader Nooshi Dadgostar will give a speech in Almedalen on Monday evening. Photo: Fanny Tegman Lindholm.
Of: Fanny Tegman Lindholm, Hibo Yusuf Ahmed and Andrea Thorgren
During Nooshi Dadgostar's (V) party leadership speech during Almedalen Week, she promised new climate initiatives for reduced emissions. She also criticized Magdalena Andersson's (S) NATO agreement with Turkey.
July 5, 2022, Almedalen - article, News
Sweden's Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson (S) focused largely on national issues in her Almedal speech, but she also touched on Swedish NATO membership and climate change. Photo: Sandra Duru.
Of: Alice Eriksson, Sandra Duru and Tanya
In her party leadership speech during Almedalen Week, Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson (S) emphasized that Sweden faces several challenges - not least due to the consequences of the war in Ukraine. Swedish NATO membership and climate change were also highlighted, but development aid and international development cooperation were completely omitted in the speech.
July 4, 2022, Almedalen - article, News
When politicians promise a lot but do not live up to their promises, it is no wonder that people get annoyed. It's easy to lose hope - it's been a long time since I thought a climate conference would lead to results that actually work. It writes FUF correspondent Sofia Karlsson in a column. Photo: Derek Read. Source: Wikimedia Commons.
Of: Sofia Karlsson
At the beginning of June, the UN meeting Stockholm + 50 took place, to mark 50 years since the first international climate conference was held in Sweden. But despite a lot of commotion before the conference, it was mostly talk and a little workshop. It is still young climate activists who are forced to lead the fight for climate justice.
June 30, 2022, FUF-correspondents, Chronicle
This is what it looked like when world leaders triumphantly agreed on the 1,5-degree goal at the climate summit in Paris in 2015. In connection with the Stockholm + 50 meeting that took place this week, it is still a matter of rolling up our sleeves and getting the job done, Lovisa Arvidsson writes in Aftonbladet. Photo: UNclimatechange. Source: Flickr.
Of: Hanne Karlsson and Markus Hietanen
During the past week, both Turkey's demands for Swedish NATO membership and the Stockholm + 50 Climate Summit have been debated. How should Sweden respond to Turkey's various demands and what is most important to prioritize in the climate issue?
June 8, 2022, Current debate
For several years, there have been climate demonstrations around the world. Now in June, the countries of the world gather at the UN climate summit +50 in Stockholm with the ambition of reaching increased consensus in climate change. Photo: Callum Shaw. Source: Unsplash.
Of: Idun Eklind
On 2 and 3 June, the UN climate summit +50 will be held at Älvsjömässan in Stockholm, where Sweden together with Kenya will host. The impending climate crisis requires adaptation work that makes Agenda 2030 a reality, and the Ukraine War may have an impact on future climate work.
June 1, 2022, Notis
Caption: Extreme heat in India affects people's livelihoods when crops die due to drought. Photo: Sam Greenhalgh. Source: Flickr.
Of: Fanny Andersson
India and Pakistan have experienced extreme heat unusually . The heat affects 1,5 billion people in the countries - and f
May 24, 2022, News
Karl-Anders Larsson, freelance writer and member of FUF's book club, reviews the book Climate Change is Racist, written by Jeremy Williams.
Of: Karl-Anders Larsson
The book Climate Change is Racist claims that the causes and effects of the climate crisis are mainly linked to racism. But is it not more about inequality? It writes Karl-Anders Larsson, independent writer and member of FUF's book club.
May 23, 2022, Review
The World Bank is a player that is implementing projects in Jakarta to improve resilience to floods and relocate vulnerable people. Photo: Farhana Asnap / World Bank. Source: Flickr
Of: Ina Carlsson
Indonesia's capital Jakarta has long been threatened by climate change. Now the city, located on the island of Java in northeastern Indonesia, will be relocated and given a new name on the island of Borneo.
May 10, 2022, Notis