Of: Carmen Blanco Valer
A system change is required to reduce climate change. We must move away from unbridled consumption and towards a society in harmony with nature. Here, the government can learn from the indigenous movement, says the debater Carmen Blanco Valer.
November 25, 2015, Debate
Of: Ellen Söderstrom
It is becoming increasingly recognized that climate change affects men and women in different ways. Women are often seen as the most vulnerable and climate efforts are directed at them. But it is important to see that men and masculinity are also strongly affected by climate change, thinks Ellen Söderström, who has written an essay on the subject.
November 17, 2015, Debate
Of: Linnéa Engström
The climate issue and the fight for gender equality are intimately linked. With today's economic thinking, both are seen as a negative cost that hinders growth. Something as basic as clean air, clean water and a non-toxic environment for our children should be considered as basic rules of the game for our market economy. But this is where our current economic system went wrong and now we are here with the result and facing an economic, ecological and social catastrophe. That is the opinion of Linnéa Engström, candidate for the European Parliament for the Green Party.
May 15, 2014, Debate
Of: Lorentz Tovatt
Climate change exacerbates problems of poverty, environmental degradation and political instability, mainly in low-income countries, leading to 'climate war'. This makes them such a serious threat to human security that it should be a matter of course to include them in security policy analyzes. That is the opinion of Lorentz Tovatt, spokesman for Green Youth.
May 7, 2014, Debate
Of: Åse Johannessen
There is currently an intense debate about how the global community should deal with, among other things, various disasters, conflicts, uncontrolled urbanization, rising consumption, environmental degradation and climate change. This is a golden opportunity for Sweden to review its own policy and design an appropriate strategy for development assistance in the area, says Åse Johannessen, researcher at the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)
March 24, 2014, Debate
Of: Malin Mobjörk
The security consequences of climate change are one of the defense and security policy challenges that are now often mentioned in background analyzes, but which have not had any impact on the policies pursued. That is the opinion of Malin Mobjörk, Phil. dr. and research leader at the Swedish Defense Research Agency (FOI).
March 6, 2014, Debate
Of: Anders Mellbourn
That climate change and IT vulnerability are real security threats to Sweden has long been taken for granted. But the concrete security and defense policy is in practice still purely military. That is the opinion of Anders Melbourn, journalist and political scientist.
January 30, 2014, Debate
Of: Jan Cedergren
The developing countries' promise of $ 100 billion a year from 2020 for climate action will not be possible to achieve with just government subsidies. An important debate in the future is about what incentives and conditions are reasonable for mobilizing the private sector. That is the opinion of Jan Cedergren, board member of the Green Climate Fund.
November 18, 2013, Debate