Australia's new climate policy – ​​praised and criticized

Scientists as well as climate activists believe that Australia is in a climate emergency - and several actors criticize the country's government for a lack of action. Photo: John Englart. Source: Flickr.

Of: Signe Andersson

The consequences of climate change continue to affect Australia. The country has voted through its first climate change bill in ten years, but the law has been heavily criticized and is considered an ambitious but hollow proposal. Australia could take a much greater responsibility for reducing carbon dioxide emissions, say several actors. 

March 30, 2023, FUF-correspondents, Report

The deforestation of the Amazon breaks a new record

The Amazon rainforest is important for animals, plants and people - yet the deforestation of the rainforest continues at an ever faster pace. Photo: David Riano Cortés. Source: Pexels.

Of: Cecilia Bergh

The Amazon is the largest and most species-rich rainforest in the world. It is vital for animal and plant species, but also for humans. Despite that, the deforestation of the Amazon continues and in February the devastation hit a new record.

March 22, 2023, Development magazine explains

The government wants climate compensation abroad - to reach Sweden's climate goals

In the autumn's government declaration, climate compensation abroad was singled out as a priority in Sweden's climate work. But several experts are critical of this, and believe that it risks shifting the focus from efforts to reduce emissions. Photo: Goethe Institute.

Of: Ellinor Berglund

Sweden's government invests hundreds of millions in climate compensation, i.e. emission reductions abroad. This means that part of Sweden's climate goals may be met in countries such as Ghana, Nepal and the Dominican Republic. But several researchers and experts are critical, both in terms of climate benefit and ethics.   

March 17, 2023, Development magazine explains

Week 9: Debaters discuss support for Ukraine and Sweden's climate transition

During the past week, debaters have, among other things, propagated for increased EU support to Moldova, which is the country, outside of Ukraine, that is most affected by Russia's war of invasion. Photo: Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. Source: Wikimedia commons.

Of: Cecilia Bergh and Ellinor Berglund

During the past week, the focus has been on Ukraine among the majority of debaters on Swedish opinion pages. Sweden's climate transition and whether or not the obligation to reduce has also been discussed with clear differences in the opinions of the debaters.  

March 6, 2023, Current debate

Week 7: Debaters criticize the aid policy and lack of support for Syria

During the week, several debaters have pointed out the difficulties in getting help to people in north-eastern Syria who have been affected by the earthquake. Photo: Begum Iman, European Union. Source: Flickr.

Of: Sidra Amir

During the past week, writers on Swedish debate and editorial pages have both directed criticism at Sweden's aid policy and at the fact that aid does not reach those in need in Syria after the earthquakes. The Swedish environmental target system has also been the subject of debate. SD's environmental policy spokesperson calls it a "resource-demanding monster", while civil servant Magnus Eriksson highlights the strengths of the system.

February 21, 2023, Current debate

Independence from fossil fuels is crucial for human security

Nations today are faced with the Energy Trilemma; how to achieve energy security, energy equity and environmental sustainability – at the same time. And transitioning towards renewable forms of energy is essential to achieve human security worldwide, according to Marie Stjernquist Desatnik at Naturskyddsföreningen (the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation, SSNC). Image: A military attack on energy infrastructure. Photo by: Ecoaction.

Of: Marie Stjernquist Desatnik

The world's addiction to fossils fuel is the main contributor to the climate crisis, and it impacts peace and security worldwide. This was clearly demonstrated in 2022 by Russia's invasion of Ukraine. But why is it so difficult for nations to move away from fossil fuels? Part of it can be explained by the so-called energy trilemma, according to Marie Stjernquist desatnik, Senior Climate Policy Advisor at The Nature Conservation Society (the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation, SSNC). She I argues That ttransitioning towards renewable forms of energy is essential to Achieve human security worldwide. 

January 17, 2023, English, Guest analysis, Guest piece, Magazine

You should know this ahead of Sweden's EU presidency

On 1 January 2023, Sweden takes over the presidency of the Council of the European Union. The development magazine helps you figure out what that means. Photo: Christian Lue. Source: Unsplash.

Of: Elianne Kjellman

From 1 January 2023 and six months ahead, the Swedish government takes over the presidency of the Council of the European Union. Some are hopeful and believe that the influential task will mean increased support for Ukraine, while others fear that it will be destructive to the EU's climate policy. The development magazine explains how the presidency works, and some things you should know to keep up with the debate on the subject. 

December 22, 2022, Development magazine explains

Week 49: Soccer World Cup and UN meeting on biological diversity sparks debate

Last week, the UN meeting COP15 on biodiversity began in Canada. The meeting contributed to debate about the government's climate policy and about methods to preserve biological diversity. Photo: UN Biodiversity. Source: Flickr.

Of: Agnes Durbeej-Hjalt and Sidra Amir

In step with the World Cup finals in football, the discussion on Swedish debate and editorial pages about FIFA's responsibility for Qatar's crimes against human rights has intensified. The UN meeting COP15 in Montréal on biodiversity, where the parties must agree on the global framework for biodiversity, has also spurred this week's climate debate.

December 12, 2022, Current debate

Lula da Silva's win could be a new but difficult direction for Brazil

Brazil's new president, Luiz Inacio Lula Da Silva, has promised to stop the deforestation of the Amazon and fight poverty in the country. But he faces extensive challenges during his presidency. Photo: Alexander Bonilla. Source: Flickr.

Of: Liljan Daoud

On October 30, the Brazilian election results showed that the country is moving in a new direction with the presidential candidate Squid Da Silva at the head. But att change direction for the country after four years under right-wing nationalist Jair Bolsonaros rule may be more difficult than expected a new economic reality.

December 8, 2022, Development magazine explains

This is the criticism of the government's aid and climate policy

Sweden's government, led by Ulf Kristersson (M), faces criticism for its aid and climate policy. Photo: European People's Party. Source: Flickr.

Of: Karin Sjöstrand

At the beginning of November, Sweden's government presented the new budget. Reactions have come from many quarters regarding which political changes will be implemented. Aid and climate policy have been in focus among the global issues.

December 7, 2022, Development magazine explains