Let us create a decade of solidarity

Nick Doggen

Nick Doggen is the international secretary of Green Youth.

Of: Nick Doggen

Within ten years, we will eradicate extreme poverty, reduce inequalities and injustices, promote peace and justice, and resolve the climate crisis. Achieving the global goals and Agenda 2030 is a huge challenge. We in Green Youth have always fought for a greener and fairer world. But in order to achieve the global goals, everyone must be involved - and those who have the most resources must shoulder the greatest responsibility.

March 27, 2020, Debate

Charging batteries requires responsibility

Thousands of children and adults work in the cobalt mines in Congo, without either approved equipment or a living wage. Photo: Fairphone (CC BY-NC-SA)

Of: Kevin Perera

Imagine a world where emissions are basically limited to the production of a battery. After that, then you are free. Free from the now established climate anxiety, free from slowly but surely manipulating the state of our fine planet. This is your chance to choose a green path for a better tomorrow. Such a tomorrow can […]

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March 25, 2020, Chronicle

Textile collection can encourage more consumption

clothes in store

Swedish textile consumption has increased by almost 30 percent during the 2000s. Photo: OiMax / Flickr

Of: Johanna Wolff

The fashion industry is increasingly promising sustainable solutions. Companies like H&M have been accepting textiles for recycling and recycling for a couple of years now. But an overconfidence in the circular economy can lead to continued unsustainable consumption and a high climate impact.

March 18, 2020, Report

Large-scale and foreign companies are not a solution for democracy in Africa

Farm workers out harvesting

Switching to large-scale and conventional agriculture is not the way we should go, the African groups write. Photo: Noelmcshane, Pexels

Of: Louise Lindfors

We are pleased that Professor Göran Hydén and the Expert Group for Aid Analysis raise issues of democracy in Africa. Unfortunately, we see several errors in the analysis of how we can promote democracy. It writes the Africa groups in a commentary on Göran Hydén's guest column.

January 20, 2020, Debate

They manifest for all environmental fighters who are murdered

light manifestation

Today's manifestation of light is a way to honor the people who lost their lives in the fight for the environment.

Of: Vsevolod Lukashenok

Today, the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation organizes a light manifestation for murdered environmental activists around the world. In a new report, the organization states that threats to environmental defenders have increased in recent years.

December 10, 2019, News

Trade in plastic waste can be stopped by a new UN agreement

Goat among plastic waste

International trade in plastic waste has led developing countries to act as "the world's dump". Photo: Melanie Olsson

Of: Melanie Olsson

Countries such as Japan and the United States sell large quantities of plastic waste to low- and middle-income countries. In Kenya, this has led to livestock getting plastic, blocking sewers and ending up with plastic waste in rivers and seas. A new UN agreement - which classifies plastic as hazardous waste - can now put an end to the export of plastic waste.

November 6, 2019, News

Is there a sustainable version of the clothing industry?

It is not easy to choose nice clothes. A large-scale production looks pretty much the same regardless of what ethical certification the garment has, says the guest columnist with long experience in the industry.

Of: Johan Stellansson

I do not think I thought for many seconds about what clothes I bought - or especially where I bought them - during the first 38 years of my life. Mainly because I was not interested, I had so much else to worry about. But I later understood that the ethical choice for the consumer […]

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October 18, 2019, Guest chronicle

Debaters demand that the outside world stand up for the Kurds in Syria

Several debaters think that Sweden and the EU must support the Kurdish groups in northern Syria. Not least after Turkey's threat of an offensive. Photo: Kurdishstruggle (CC BY 2.0)

Of: Amanda Wibne Romild

This week, US President Trump has decided to withdraw his forces from Syria. At the same time, he gave the go-ahead for Turkish forces to launch an offensive. Something that has aroused a lot of debate on Swedish opinion pages. This is a great betrayal on the part of the United States, say this week's debaters who want the outside world to stand up for the Kurds in northern Syria.

October 9, 2019, Current debate

The back of the minerals - conflicts, child labor and rape

Miners in eastern Congo. Photo: Enough Project. Flickr.com

Of: Louise Christianson

What do your mobile phone, your refrigerator and your computer have in common? In addition to making your everyday life easier, they also support conflicts in different parts of the world. Namely, they are made up of metals and minerals whose extraction contributes to conflicts, which has therefore been called "conflict minerals". Therese Sjöström, who is a researcher at Swedwatch, has visited mines […]

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September 24, 2019, Chronicle