In recent years, Kyrgyzstan's rule has become increasingly authoritarian and repression of opposition voices, media and civil society has intensified, reports Freedom House 2024. Photo: Arseniy Kotov/Pexels
Of: Johanna Berzell
In March 2024 Kyrgyzstan introduced a "foreign representatives" law that requires organizations with foreign funding to be registered and audited. Lagene, reminiscent of Russia's infamous Foreign Agent Law, has awakened strong reactions . Critics believe that the law hoodr civil society's independence and limitr freedom of expression.
January 10, 2025, FUF-correspondents, News
Inobatkhon Sultanova started getting involved as an activist in 2017 and is today the organizational manager at the Kyrgyz youth organization Noviy Ritm. Photo: Johanna Berzell/Uttvecklingsmagasinet.
Of: Johanna Berzell
— We are trying to create change, to make our country and our lives better, says Inobatkhon Sultanova. For a decade, the youth organization has Noviy Rhythm worked for equality and human rights in southern Kyrgyzstan. This despite opposition from the authorities and the local population.
November 7, 2024, FUF-correspondents, Interview