A diesel-powered stone crusher next to a wind farm in the state of Chhattisgarh. Photo: Land Rover Our Planet / Flickr.
Of: Elin Holm
Rich countries are better placed to reduce their emissions, but India and other low-income countries will be hit faster and harder by climate change. At the same time, India has a unique position to build its welfare with green solutions from the beginning. But for that to be possible, it is also necessary for richer countries to live up to their promises.
November 4, 2021, Analysis
Since the autumn of 2020, Indian farmers have been protesting against new agricultural reforms. Photo: Ananth BS, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Of: Josefine Hörkeby
Indian farmers have been protesting against agricultural reforms since last autumn and are demanding that they be stopped. They believe that their livelihoods are deteriorating. The Indian government believes that it is a necessary modernization of the agricultural system.
May 4, 2021, Analysis
Photo: Firos nv, Unsplash
Of: Erica Frank and Sofia Karlsson
This week, the debate has mainly focused on global health, focusing on India's new wave of covid-19, so-called vaccine nationalism, and how the Indian government has handled the crisis. It has also been written about Erdogan's influence on Swedish history writing and about Swedish handling of authoritarian regimes.
May 4, 2021, Current debate
Members of various farmers associations are protesting against new laws impacting the agricultural sector, in Pendjab, India. Photo: Randeep Maddoke; randeepphotoartist@gmail.com, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
Of: Anne Eliassen Theys
Since November 2020, thousands of Indian farmers protested on the streets of New Delhi against Prime Minister Modi's agricultural reforms. Despite the fact that the government opposes international interference, this seemingly local matter has international consequences.
April 26, 2021, English, Magazine, News article
In the autumn of 2020, Indian farmers began to protest against agricultural reforms. Photo: Wikimedia Commons CC BY 2.0
Of: Josefine Hörkeby
The founder of Fridays for Future India, Disha Ravi, who was previously arrested on suspicion of conspiracy against the Government of India, has now been released on bail. The 22-year-old activist is one of many Indian environmental activists who are threatened or criminalized.
March 27, 2021, News
Of: The Chancellery
The Swedish teenager Greta Thunberg has created a huge global movement of activists. But her movement is not the only one right now. Meet activists fighting for democracy in Lebanon, for sexual rights in Mexico and for the influence of women in India.
February 4, 2020, News
Does it matter what you call people fleeing their homes due to climate change?
Of: Jennifer Augustsson and Johanna Sundbeck
By 2050, an estimated 143 million people will be forced to flee their homes due to climate change. Whether they should be called climate refugees or environmental migrants is widely discussed, which means that many people on the run fall between the cracks with life-changing consequences.
June 28, 2019, Reportage
Extracting sand for building material affects ecosystems and causes islands to erode and disappear. Photo: USACE NY, Flickr.
Of: Aida Esmailzadeh Davani and Erika Alm
Selling sand in the desert is an old proverb to describe a skilled salesman. However, the definition may need to be reevaluated. Sand used in construction is becoming a rare and precious resource and the high demand is causing problems for ecosystems and humans alike.
June 17, 2019, Paper, English, Magazine
Harish Nishad built his own lamp from recycled materials he found in his village.
Of: Isabell Carlsson and Sofia Brännstrom
One of the solutions to India's waste and energy challenges is solar energy. FUF correspondents Sofia Brännström and Isabell Carlsson have interviewed Harish Nishad, whose homemade lamp has enabled him to work on making solar energy available to most people.
May 10, 2019, FUF-correspondents
Donald J. Trump and Kim Jong Un meet for a dinner in Hanoi for their second summit (February 2019). Photo: Shealah
Of: Moa Zeidlitz
The Hanoi summit is canceled prematurely at the same time as India and Pakistan launch a sharp attack on each other. This means that the clouds of unrest are accumulating over the global pursuit of peace. Sweden and the EU are responding to this with both outstretched hands and armed defense.
March 6, 2019, Current debate