How NGOs work with organic agriculture and community development

Day farmers outside Trichy, Photo: Klara Bengtsson.

Of: Clara Bengtsson

FUF Lund Magazine has interviewed Birgitta Göransson Liste, the chairperson of the Swallows India Bangladesh to hear about work, civil society and the role of rural- and community development. The organization has been working with rural development in India and Bangladesh for the last 60 years. One area of ​​focus has been small-scale organic agriculture.

April 29, 2021, English, Interview, Magazine

The Global Repercussion of Farmer Protests in India

Members of various farmers associations are protesting against new laws impacting the agricultural sector, in Pendjab, India. Photo: Randeep Maddoke;, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

Of: Anne Eliassen Theys

Since November 2020, thousands of Indian farmers protested on the streets of New Delhi against Prime Minister Modi's agricultural reforms. Despite the fact that the government opposes international interference, this seemingly local matter has international consequences.

April 26, 2021, English, Magazine, News article

Involving men in gender equality

Venkateshappa and Ramamurthy

Venkateshappa and Ramamurthy have participated in trainings on the social and legal aspects of gender equality. Photo: Linda Zetterström

Of: Linda Zetterström

There is a strong women's movement in India. Men's participation in the movement is, however, still limited. In order to successfully work with gender equality, the women rights organization Grameena Mahila Okkuta is educating men.

March 13, 2020, Paper, English, Magazine

Online Gender Activism in India: Working Through the Fears

The #SupremeInjustice protests held in many cities across India in May 2019 were largely conceived, organized, and promoted online by gender activists. Photo: Padmalatha Ravi

Of: Shruti Sharada

A year has passed since #MeToo galvanized online gender activism in India. But as defamation cases rise and the accused remain powerful, activists need to look back at what made online activism so powerful in the first place.

January 31, 2020, English, Guest piece, Magazine

The Fight to Increase Women's Political Power in India Continues

Tara Krishnaswamy

Tara Krishnaswamy, founder of the Shakti movement, states that India still has not had a feminist revolution. Photo: Shakti

Of: Josephine Nilsson

Even if the proportion of women in parliament increased after the 2019 election, the gender imbalance in Indian politics remains. FUF Magazine has interviewed one of the initiative-takers of the Indian movement Shakti, Tara Krishnaswamy, who is fighting for more women in politics.

January 30, 2020, Paper, English, Magazine

The Future is Already Here

Adjusting technology to benefit development is tricky - but India might be heading straight into the future. Photo: Pexels.

Of: Fredrik Björksten

When the 1.3 billion people of India woke up on the morning of November 9th, 2016, many of them had become poor overnight. After Prime Minister Modi's sudden decision to ban a staggering 86% of all cash in circulation, the 500 & 1.000 rupee notes had become nothing more than “worthless pieces of paper” and […]

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March 6, 2019, Editorial, English, Magazine

When learning goes online

The 'XO' Laptop aims to connect children across the world to new educational opportunities. Photo: One Laptop Per Child, Flickr.

Of: Siobhán Coskeran

New technologies have the potential to provide educational opportunities in underprivileged contexts. Examples from India, however, show that it is not only innovative technologies that are important, but innovative uses of technology.

March 6, 2019, English, Long read, Magazine

No Space for 'Otherness'

A hijra

A hijra (term for individuals in South Asia who feel neither male nor female) at the annual Transgender Festival in Koovagam, India, in 2017. Photo: Lingeswaran Marimuthukumar, Flickr.

Of: Hanna Geschewski and Lauren Tropeano

What happens if you do not behave like your gender 'should'? Examples from Native American, Indian and Iranian cultures highlight that gender is diverse, but that the acknowledgment of gender variance does not necessarily make us inclusive.

December 10, 2018, Paper, English, Magazine