Israeli court order forces thousands of Palestinians to leave their homes

A large part of the Masafer Yatta area is to be used as a military training ground, which means that over 1000 Palestinians living in the area will have to leave their homes. Picture left: Israeli military ensure that the children cannot disturb the ongoing demolition of their school in the village of Isfay al-Fauqa. Photo: Kenneth, Companion Program. Image right: Field workers view debris from a demolition in Khirbet al-Fakhiet, one of the 14 villages in Masafer Yatta. Photo: Axel Sandberg. 

Of: Axel Sandberg

I May 2022 stated the Israeli Hhighest the court that a large part of the area Masafar On yacht on the southern West Bank ska work as militaryt practice field. This means that the nearly 1 Palestinians who live in the area will be forcibly displaced.

January 30, 2023, FUF-correspondents, Reportage

This is how Sweden investigates international war crimes

Sweden cooperates internationally through both the EU and the UN to investigate war crimes. Photo: WiR_Pixs. Source: Canva.

Of: Elin Malmqvist

Russia's war on Ukraine is regularly reported on the news. We are reached by testimonies of awfulness war crimes that describe how Russian soldiers have raped and executed civilians as well as attacked hospitals and residential buildings in Ukraine. And Sweden takes a great international responsibility to conduct investigations into war crimes in the world.  

July 19, 2022, Almedalen - article, Reportage

Let us not forget the world's biggest humanitarian crisis

For more than seven years, there has been an armed conflict in Yemen and millions of people in the country are in need of humanitarian aid. Today, the fighting is primarily a struggle between the Huthi movement and the country's authorities. Photo: Ibrahim Qasim. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Of: Alva Westlund

While much of the world's attention has been turned to new conflicts and other humanitarian crises, the humanitarian catastrophe in Yemen is still a fact and far too serious to be forgotten. It writes Alva Westlund, regional administrator for the Middle East and North Africa at the International Committee of the Red Cross.

May 3, 2022, Debate