Colombian protests against government

Human Rights Defenders and ESMAD police in Medellín. Colombian national protests have been going on since April. Photo: Humano Salvaje, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Of: Maria Alejandra Moreno Jaramillo

In April the biggest protests in the modern history of Colombia took place. Since then there have been over 3000 cases of police brutality and 43 victims of homicides committed by the police. People protest against a whole system that does not protect life but privatizes and sectorizes it. Finding peace is something that can not wait any longer. Action needs to be taken now, argues María Alejandra Moreno Jaramillo, project leader for Multicultural Sweden.

May 28, 2021, English, Magazine, Opinion

LGBTQ + Rights Are Under Threat in Indonesia

Pride flag

Recent developments in Indonesia are signaling a worrying trend concerning LGBTQ + rights in the country. Photo: Tony Webster, Flickr.

Of: Alexandra Håkansson

Individuals identifying with or belonging to the LGBTQ + community are under attack in Indonesia. Since 2015, the violence towards the LGBTQ + community has been on the rise. The violence has in many cases been sanctioned by the Indonesian state, who are further fueling hostile attitudes towards the community.

December 10, 2018, Paper, English, Magazine

Who defines Native and Indigenous Populations?

Indigenous and native groups have become minorities in areas they've historically controlled. Photo: Arne Hoel / World Bank, Flickr.

Of: Fredrik Björksten

A couple of centuries ago, there was really no need to talk about either indigenous or native populations. People were then, by definition, all natives to where they were born and lived. However, as colonialism started to spread across the globe, people with roots dating back centuries was being pushed away for the sake of […]

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October 26, 2018, Editorial, English, Magazine

Indigenous Land in Ecuador Under Threat, Again

A Kichwa girl carrying her sack tumpline style near the Jondachi river in Ecuador.
Photo: Tomas Munita / CIFOR, Flickr.

Of: Johanna Caminati Engström and Lisa Elamson

In the last decade, progress has been made for the rights of the indigenous people of Ecuador. But despite a favorable legal context and numerous promises made by the government, their rights are still under threat by foreign economic interests.

October 26, 2018, Paper, English, Magazine

The environment the victim in the battle between low and high income countries

What are low-income countries obligations in combating climate change? Photo: Khuroshvili Ilya, Flickr

Of: Dimen Hoshiar and Mathilda Englund

Climate change is global in its nature, yet nations argue who ought to undertake the responsibility of solving the issue of global warming. International negotiations resulted in the Kyoto Protocol, which exempted low income countries from any bonds. Frank Baber, from the Raoul Wallenberg Institute, proposes a human rights approach in order to find a […]

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February 27, 2018, Paper, English, FUF Lund, Magazine