Redesign Swedish Africa policy

Of: Fredrik Söderbaum

In connection with Löfven's visit to Africa, a major strategy process is now being initiated within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Sida, which aims to review Sweden's regional development cooperation in sub-Saharan Africa. The process should be guided by a greater focus on issues of national capacity, better coordination and a re-prioritization of excessive support for regional organizations. That is the opinion of Fredrik Söderbaum, professor at the University of Gothenburg.

February 2, 2015, Debate

Fair trade agreements - important issue for newly elected MEPs

Of: Annica Sohlström and Gabi Björsson

Trade policy is an important issue for the development of poor countries. Despite this, the issue has hardly been debated before the EU election. The agreements with African countries are on the agenda this autumn, the Swedish EU parliamentarians should then ensure that the EU's trade agreements with developing countries promote sustainable and fair development, Gabi Björsson and Annica Sohlström believe.

May 22, 2014, Debate