Independence from fossil fuels is crucial for human security

Nations today are faced with the Energy Trilemma; how to achieve energy security, energy equity and environmental sustainability – at the same time. And transitioning towards renewable forms of energy is essential to achieve human security worldwide, according to Marie Stjernquist Desatnik at Naturskyddsföreningen (the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation, SSNC). Image: A military attack on energy infrastructure. Photo by: Ecoaction.

Of: Marie Stjernquist Desatnik

The world's addiction to fossils fuel is the main contributor to the climate crisis, and it impacts peace and security worldwide. This was clearly demonstrated in 2022 by Russia's invasion of Ukraine. But why is it so difficult for nations to move away from fossil fuels? Part of it can be explained by the so-called energy trilemma, according to Marie Stjernquist desatnik, Senior Climate Policy Advisor at The Nature Conservation Society (the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation, SSNC). She I argues that ttransitioning towards renewable forms of energy is essential to Achieve human security worldwide. 

January 17, 2023, English, Guest analysis, Guest piece, Magazine

The standard of living is falling in 90 percent of the world's countries

South Sudan is one of the world's poorest countries. Now the effects of the pandemic and the war in Ukraine threaten to further devastate the country's economy. Photo: UNMISS. Source: Flickr. 

Of: Sandra Duru

The combined effectrna of climate change, coronavirus pandemic and the war in Ukraine puts pressure on living standardsone in the world. The UNDP's annual report warns that human development has deteriorated in nine out of ten countries in the world. South Sudan is one of them.

December 6, 2022, Reportage

More and more people are aware of the Global Goals

In Sida's survey on Swedes' views on development assistance from December 2021, 51 percent of those surveyed answered that they had heard about the Global Goals. This is an increase of 14 percent since 2018. Photo: Canva.

Of: Linnea Ljungar

Women and highly educated people are more positive about development aid than other groups in Sweden, and more and more people are aware of the UN's 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development. This is shown by a new survey from the Swedish development assistance authority Sida.

January 3, 2022, News

Development and Emergencies: Finding Resilient Paths Toward Development

Many of the people living in fragile or vulnerable states are at risk of man-made and natural crises, which can derail efforts made to reach the Sustainable Development Goals. Photo: Eddie Wong / Flickr.

Of: Aarne Hakomäki and QUESTIONS & INQUIRIES

As the world is still struggling to contain the Covid-19 pandemic, complex man-made and natural crises are evolving and causing major setbacks in the living standards and safety of countless people globally. While the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) give a promise of leaving no one behind, a study by the International Rescue Committee […]

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December 20, 2021, Editorial, English, Magazine

Meet the Swede who designed the global goals

Jakob Trollbäck and the global goals

Jakob Trollbäck is the one who has designed and created the communication around the global goals. Photo: Ainali and Wikimedia Commons

Of: Benjamin Hellström Blom

Communicating major UN documents to the world is no easy task. The Swedish designer Jakob Trollbäck took on the task of communicating the global goals to a broad global public. He created a grid of colors, symbols and simple words. In the podcast, Jakob Trollbäck talks about how it went when he scored the global goals […]

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October 24, 2019, FUF pods, Interview

Agenda 2030, how far have we come after 3,5 years?

3,5 years have passed since the global goals were adopted, but what has actually changed? Photo: Per Pettersson

Of: Sana Pirot

Most people agree that Agenda 2030 is an important starting point for change towards a sustainable society, which is clearly shown when the previous government appointed a delegation in order to support and stimulate the implementation of Agenda 2030. Sweden has emphasized several times that it wants to be a leader examples both globally and nationally in the work […]

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February 15, 2019, Chronicle

Reduce climate change and hunger with trees

Benta Muga in Kenya uses agroforestry on his farm and plants crops together with trees. Photo: Amunga Eschuchi, Vi-skogen

Benta Muga in Kenya uses agroforestry on his farm and plants crops together with trees. Photo: Amunga Eschuchi, Vi-skogen

Of: Anders Malmer, Christina Schaffer, Christina Mastroianni, Linda Andersson, Madeleine Fogde, Maria Olund, Mary Schultz and Matthias Goldmann

It is not sustainable to solve the need for more food and feed with continued deforestation or overuse of agricultural land. Instead, we need to invest in production that reduces emissions, increases biodiversity and provides food for people. Part of the solution is about trees, write researchers and organizations within the Agroforestry Network.

October 1, 2018, Debate