Of: Christer Winbäck and Karin Olofsson
Small and light weapons kill 1368 people every day. It is high time to highlight the importance of weapons in fueling conflict and violence. And it is time to strengthen the preventive work against armed violence in development cooperation, write Karin Olofsson and Christer Winbäck from the Parliamentary Forum for small and light weapons issues.
November 26, 2015, Debate
Of: Ulla Andrén
It is a key task for Swedish development assistance to provide support to people on the run, but also to prevent conflict and promote development. This requires both knowledge and resources. Aid funding for building peace should not be reduced due to the fact that asylum reception and humanitarian support require increased resources, writes Sida employee and former ambassador Ulla Andrén.
September 23, 2015, Debate
Of: Doris Attve and Peter Lundberg
In recent years, attacks on aid workers have increased dramatically around the world. To increase safety, Sida works with local experts, support for protective equipment and safer means of transport for humanitarian aid workers. But there are also problems that not even the best protective equipment in the world solves, write Peter Lundberg and Doris Attve on Sida.
May 28, 2015, Debate