Invasion is always wrong - even in Western Sahara

Image from the documentary 3 Stolen Cameras, secretly filmed in occupied Western Sahara by Equipe Media in collaboration with RåFilm.

Of: Lena Thunberg

Russia's invasion of Ukraine rightly takes a large place in the media. But it must not make us completely forget about other wars and conflicts. One of them is Morocco's invasion and occupation of Western Sahara - which was blessed by former US President Donald Trump. This is what Lena Thunberg, editor of Tidskriften Västsahara, writes in a guest analysis.

April 19, 2022, Guest analysis

Week 15: "Europe's oil and gas kill civilians in Ukraine"

More debaters believe that the EU should stop importing Russian gas. Photo: Giorgio Galeotti. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Of: Ina Carlsson

The past week's debate and leadership pages have been dominated by discussions about how the Western world should handle trade in Russian goods. Debaters have also discussed the financial and food crises that have hit developing countries in the wake of the war in Ukraine.

April 19, 2022, Current debate

Thousands of European troops are leaving Mali

Since 2013, there have been several international efforts in Mali to stabilize the situation in the country. These include the Task Force Takuba coordinated by France and MINUSMA, which is coordinated by the UN. Photo: United Nations Photo. Source: Flickr.

Of: Ina Carlsson

Since 2012, there has been a power struggle between the central government, separatists and Islamists in Mali. As early as 2013, France launched an operation in Mali to counter armed separatist groups. At least half of the 5 European soldiers who have been in Mali since 000 will now be relocated to surrounding countries.

April 12, 2022, News

Five lessons from Russia's war in Ukraine on aid and development policy

In March, the Social Democratic government announced that costs for Swedish refugee reception would be deducted from development assistance. Magnus Walan, senior policy adviser at Diakonia, thinks the opposite - more aid to, among other things, promote democracy in the world, not less. He writes this in a guest analysis on Utvecklingsmagasinet. Photo: The Social Democrats. Source: Flickr.

Of: Magnus Walan

There is a debate going on about what lessons we can learn from Russia's war in Ukraine. Much of the debate is about NATO, but there are also lessons for Swedish foreign, development and development policy. How can politics become better at preventing conflicts and wars? Magnus Walan, senior policy advisor at Diakonia, lists five lessons.

April 11, 2022, Guest analysis

Week 14: Debaters critical of aid being used for refugee reception

"If Sweden is to continue to be seen as a pioneering country in development aid, we must be prepared to lead - not by creatively trying to circumvent the main purpose of development aid." Several leaders of Swedish aid organizations write about the government's announcement that Sweden's refugee reception should be able to be deducted from the aid. Pictured: informal settlements in Yemen. Photo: EU Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid. Source: Flickr.

Of: Fanny Andersson and Julia Lundén Azzeddine

The leadership continues to be largely dominated by political consequences stemming from Russia's war against Ukraine. But now voices are also beginning to be raised about Swedish development assistance and the need to also focus on other humanitarian issues.

April 11, 2022, Current debate

The world is divided over economic sanctions against Russia

Sanctions against Russia can hit other countries' economies and populations hard. Photo: DimitroSevastopol / 35 images. Source: Pixabay.

Of: Sigrid Wernersson

Raging commodity prices, economic crises and unexpected winners. These are some of the possible effects of economic sanctions against Russia, but far from all countries choose to support the sanctions. Whatever the purpose, sanctions risk being more globally destabilizing than many realize.

April 8, 2022, Analysis

Black students organize their rescue from the Ukraine War via Instagram

Testimonies have emerged about black people who fled the Ukrainian war, but were stopped at the Polish border and allowed to return to Lviv. Now black people are organizing themselves on social media to help each other escape the war. Photo: Taine Noble. Source: Unsplash.

Of: Hibo Yusuf Ahmed

Russia's invasion of Ukraine has resulted in mass exodus of civilians. Among them are thousands of students from Africa, and several of them testify to racism during their flight. In the absence of help for black students in the war zone, they organize their own rescue through Instagram.

April 7, 2022, News

Human rights activist Sultana: "Western Sahara must be free"

Western Saharan activist Sultana has had her eye removed as she protests against the Moroccan occupation of Western Sahara. This is what Lena Thunberg, editor of Tidskriften Västsahara, writes in a guest column. Photo: Jan Strömdahl.

Of: Lena Thunberg

Western Saharan human rights activist Sultana Khaya has been under house arrest for more than a year in Morocco-occupied Western Sahara. Her crime? She waves the flag of Western Sahara. This is what Lena Thunberg, editor of Tidskriften Västsahara, writes in a guest column.

March 31, 2022, Guest chronicle

Week 12: Debaters disagree about Sweden's refugee reception

"This is a new situation than in 2015, and it is important not to repeat the mistake of trying to backtrack or tighten or pull out." The environmentalists Maria Ferm, Rasmus Ling and Annika Hirvonen write this in a debate article about Sweden's refugee reception. Pictured: Syrian refugees crossing the border between Hungary and Austria on their way to Germany, 2015. Photo: Mstyslav Chernov. Source: Wikimedia commons.

Of: Angel Collin and Lina Kallio

Russia's invasion of Ukraine continues to dominate the media. The war has led to a debate about who should be considered refugees and when economic sanctions should be used.

March 28, 2022, Current debate

Week 11: Debaters pay tribute to civil society's reception of refugees from Ukraine

Demonstration in solidarity with the Ukrainian people in London, one of many similar protests in the world against the war in Ukraine. Photo: Alisdare Hickson. Source: Flickr.

Of: Wilma Sörman Ivarzon

Last week, several debaters praised the support of Swedish civil society to help Ukrainian refugees, while the Swedish Migration Board is accused of lack of responsibility. Sweden's attitude towards NATO and the Swedish civil defense was also discussed on the debate pages.

March 24, 2022, Current debate