The lack of knowledge to respect nature and discrimination against minorities have created great hunger and poverty challenges. Photo: Samuel Vigier, Flickr
Of: Claire Coviaux and Maria Malmsten
Rural development is the process of life quality improvement and economic growth of rural populations in developing countries. It reduces local poverty and hunger by addressing many multi-sectoral needs including education, health, agriculture, and natural resources. The concept first appeared in the 1992 UN Agenda 21 - Chapter 14. Its major influence in the international […]
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May 3, 2021, Editorial, English, Magazine
Claire van Enk created Farm to Feed Kenya to connect farmers and people suffering from hunger. Photo: Micky Schepers-Farm to Feed Kenya
Of: Maria Malmsten
The paradox of hunger, food loss and waste is a global issue. All around the world, a third of all produced food never reaches the consumer. Claire van Enk has created Farm to Feed Kenya to bring about change in these issues, while striving for a healthier planet.
April 29, 2021, English, Long read, Magazine
Of: Julian Dannefjord
Since 2006, Instituto Agroecologico Latinoamericano, IALA, has trained campesinos, small-scale farmers, in agroecology in Latin America through popular education. This institution plays an important role in resisting industrial agriculture all over the region and provides a different perspective on rural development.
April 29, 2021, Chronicle, English, Magazine
The variety of terms such as “best before”, “sell by”, “eat by”, “expires on” need simplification and tailoring to regional contexts to help reduce food waste. Photo: mnplatypus / Pixabay
Of: Alexandru Mocanu
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is calling for halving the global food waste. Although high-income economies are generally assumed to display more wasteful patterns, food waste hits the Global South the hardest.
April 26, 2021, Chronicle, English, Magazine