Of: Maddie Maxwell Hart
The Syrian refugees in Lebanon must be included in the development agenda and not just helped with humanitarian efforts. Peace and integration are a prerequisite for long-term development, writes Maddi Maxwell Hart from a Lebanese youth organization.
January 20, 2016, Debate
Of: Pontus Wallin
The Nordic countries are secure democracies with stable economies. We have a high standard of living and our ecological footprints are among the largest in the world. Therefore, the Nordic countries should take on a common leadership role during and after the climate negotiations in Paris. That is the opinion of Pontus Wallin, who wrote one essay on climate responsibility.
December 1, 2015, Debate
Of: Stefan de Vylder
There is talk today of a refugee crisis, but it is not a crisis for Sweden's public finances. Sweden has good government finances and an excellent location for borrowing. Taking away aid to finance the reception of refugees is both stupid and cynical, writes economist Stefan de Vylder.
November 12, 2015, Debate
Of: Ann Svensén, Anna Hägg-Sjöquist, Annica Sohlström, Bo Forsberg, Daniel Grahn, Eva Christina Nilsson, Gunnel Axelsson Nycander, Johanna Sandahl, Magnus Falklöf, Maria Andersson, Niclas Lindgren and Sofia Walan
Every fifth aid krona is used today to handle refugee reception in Sweden. The fact that the government is now investigating whether it is possible to take additional funds from Swedish development assistance, as much as 60 percent, risks increasing the number of people who are forced to flee. It writes representatives of twelve aid organizations.
November 6, 2015, Debate
Of: Ulla Andrén
It is a key task for Swedish development assistance to provide support to people on the run, but also to prevent conflict and promote development. This requires both knowledge and resources. Aid funding for building peace should not be reduced due to the fact that asylum reception and humanitarian support require increased resources, writes Sida employee and former ambassador Ulla Andrén.
September 23, 2015, Debate
Europe's largest humanitarian catastrophe since World War II is currently under way in Europe. The wars in Syria have claimed hundreds of thousands of victims, while millions are on the run, exploited and endangered by smugglers. This is an unbelievably great tragedy where many governments should feel responsible, writes Mukhtar Bulaale who is a political scientist and works with unaccompanied refugee children.
September 15, 2015, Debate
Of: Madelaine Seidlitz
While we peacefully celebrate Midsummer in Sweden, millions of people in the world are fleeing. Some lose their lives on the road to a closed Europe, others are imprisoned by criminal gangs in Libya. Sweden should set a good example and give humanitarian visas to people who want to seek asylum, writes Madelaine Seidlitz at Amnesty International.
June 18, 2015, Debate
Of: Avni Dervishi
By involving new Swedish experts with a background in the recipient countries in the execution and follow-up of development assistance projects, Swedish development assistance can be made more efficient and corruption avoided. I and many others are available, writes political scientist Avni Dervishi
October 20, 2014, Debate
Of: Matthias Goldmann
Remittances are an important and effective tool in the fight against poverty. Therefore, we who defend global solidarity and international development cooperation should take action against the attempts to limit labor immigration that we are now seeing from certain parties and trade unions. It writes Mattias Goldmann, CEO of the think tank Fores.
January 9, 2014, Debate
Of: Patricia Schneider
The tragic boat accident off Lampedusa on 3 October 2013 has helped to highlight the structural problems of the EU's immigration policy. According to this, immigration to the EU is seen primarily as a security problem. The EU and the Member States should take the opportunity to tackle the problem from several angles, and show responsibility and solidarity towards the people who are forced to flee. It writes Patricia Schneider, researcher at the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy, Hamburg.
December 27, 2013, Debate