Of: Frida Ekberg Berry
In Jordan, there is today a feminist struggle for greater equality. As in all countries, this struggle is met with more or less resistance from its surroundings. Some see feminism as a Western phenomenon while others believe that gender equality is about human rights.
April 9, 2021, Reportage
Members of Rural Women's Farmers Association of Ghana preparing a field for sowing near Lawra. Photo: Global Justice Now, Flickr
Of: Johanna Caminati Engström
On a global scale, women produce more than half of all the food that is grown, but they are still the majority of those undernourished. The food sovereignty movement challenges the economic polarization within the food system and tries to address the causes of disempowerment that lead to hunger from a feminist perspective. Yes, it's […]
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March 15, 2018, Paper, English, FUF Lund, Magazine