58 year old seller Betty Mukarame is one of many women taking part in the organization Access to Finance Rwanda's (AFR) initiatives. Photo: FinScope 2016.
Of: Hibo Yusuf Ahmed
The concept of an inclusive economy has proved to make significant change in Rwanda, lifting millions out of poverty, according to the UN. The organization Access to Finance Rwanda (AFR), which is partly funded by the Swedish government, identifies market gaps and design interventions to close those gaps - making the market accessible to the most vulnerable in society. - Poor people stay poor because they are excluded from different markets, says Jean Bosco Iyacu, CEO of AFR.
December 30, 2021, English, Interview, Magazine
- When families fall deeper into poverty, it is the girls who have to pay the price, writes Jennifer Vidmo, Secretary General of ActionAid Sweden, on International Girls' Day. Pictured: Naima, 7 years old (left), and Mushtak, 8 years old (right), in Burao, Somaliland. Photo: ActionAid, Karin Schermbrucker.
Of: Jennifer Vidmo
Today is International Girls' Day. A day to celebrate all the girls? No, a day to stand up for girls' rights - which is violated and diminished every day and exposes young girls to a life that we can all agree on is completely unreasonable. In poverty and not least in the wake of pandemics where families are destitute and without hope, girls are most at risk of being hit the hardest, writes ActionAid's Secretary General Jennifer Vidmo in a guest column.
October 11, 2021, Guest chronicle
Campaign ahead of the referendum on national basic income in Switzerland 2016 where the people voted no. Photo: Michael von der Lohe, Flickr
Of: Kevin Perera
Citizens' salaries (also called basic income) are predicted to be able to alleviate economic decline and lead to favorable outcomes. Basically, it is about society offering residents an unconditional financial security, sufficient to cover basic needs. But will basic income achieve similar effects in low- and high-income countries? And if not, what differences are there to consider? There are many indications that low-income countries may find it difficult to reform poverty reduction, from aid to a reliable welfare system, while high-income countries have a much better starting point for using basic income for their own purposes.
April 8, 2021, Analysis
Of: Nagaad Kadir Abdimaxmud
Last week, the development aid debate flared up once again as a result of a bill passed in the European Parliament. At the same time, global poverty is increasing, not least in Yemen, where the war is still going on. It has also been discussed whether a ban on fossil fuels could have faster effects in combating climate change.
March 22, 2021, Current debate
A sustainable world after the corona crisis is not possible if we forget the low-income countries, writes Beatrice Hugosson. Photo: Carl Campbell (CC BY 2.0 License).
Of: Beatrice Hugosson
Recently, we have seen actors from the business community, politicians and researchers debate what measures are needed to build a sustainable society after the corona crisis. To try to understand how it should go, I participated in a webinar organized by the research program Mistra Geopolitics. The discussions focused - as in many other places […]
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April 28, 2020, Chronicle
The corona pandemic could put half a billion people in poverty, according to a report from Oxfam.
Of: Elin Williams
Half a billion people could end up in poverty due to the economic effects of the coronavirus. This is shown by Oxfam's report Dignity Not Destitution, which was released two weeks ago. For many of us, time stands still right now and life has been paused. For others, not least healthcare professionals, the pace has picked up. In some places, the time can now be […]
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April 22, 2020, Guest chronicle
If poverty in the world is to be combated, we must deal with the thousands of billions of kronor that disappear every year in corruption, writes Natali Engstam Phalén at the Institute Against Bribery.
Of: Natali Engstam Phalén
Every year, approximately SEK 35 billion is lost in corruption around the world. That is more than the sum that is now missing to achieve all the global goals in Agenda 000. If we seriously want to eradicate poverty, corruption must be raised higher on the sustainability agenda, writes Institut Mot Mutor.
February 19, 2020, Debate
Electrification can be the key to achieving most of the goals in Agenda 2030, according to this week's debaters, when the focus is on inequality in the world.
Of: Amanda Wibne Romild
Last week, the UN Development Program (UNDP) published a report on human development, which begins with “Inequality. Evidence is everywhere ”. This has resulted in this week's debate focusing on the causes of inequalities and demands for change in Swedish development aid policy.
December 17, 2019, Current debate
The EU aid budget may be increasingly financed by EU border controls, believes debater Bodil Valero. Photo: Bőr Benedek (CC BY 2.0 License)
Of: Body Valero
Tomorrow, the EU will vote to merge several different programs for financing foreign and development cooperation. This can shift the focus from poverty reduction to safeguarding the EU's own interests. EU aid money should not go to defense purposes or to stop refugees at the borders, writes environmentalist Bodil Valero.
March 26, 2019, Debate
We should talk about achieving a fair standard of living for all rather than fighting poverty, the debaters write.
Of: Gunilla Palm and Gunnel Axelsson Nycander
Should the goal of international development work continue to be to reduce poverty? Perhaps it is time to see instead a fair standard of living for all as the goal of development work that is firmly rooted in human rights. That is the opinion of Gunnel Axelsson Nycander and Gunilla Palm at the Church of Sweden.
November 20, 2018, Debate