Of: Rine Mansouri
Nearly half of Lebanon's population lives in poverty, according to the UN. Following the explosions in the Lebanese capital Beirut, protests against the current and previous regime, the country is in a severe economic and political crisis affecting millions of people.
October 12, 2020, News
When panic strikes a society, it is rational for the individual to protect his loved ones. But it can prove to be counterproductive, the debaters write.
Of: Anna of Owl Glass, Johan Stellansson and Olof Sandkull
When the media reports deaths as a sports result, it is easy to lose your temper and panic. But perhaps panic is more dangerous than the pandemic itself. The measures to stop the infection will lead to increased hunger, water shortages and more violence around the world, write three debaters.
April 20, 2020, Debate
Many people's finances are directly affected by curfews and restrictions in connection with the corona pandemic. In the long run, the economies of entire countries can have major problems. Photo: Pixabay
Of: Hugo De Geer Wikner
The corona pandemic is affecting economies around the world. So far, there has been a lot of talk about the rich countries, but how will it affect the economies of more vulnerable countries? Will the corona pandemic even increase extreme poverty in the world? Hugo De Geer Wikner writes about a survey made by Sida's chief economist team.
April 2, 2020, Analysis