The EU and the African Union's digital infrastructure – a tool for local development?

In the middle, the then EU Commissioner for International Partnerships, Jutta Utriainen, during a Global Gateway Forum 2023 together with (from right) board member of Africa Finance Corporation, Angolan Minister of Economic Coordination, Congolese Deputy for Transport and Communications, Zambian Minister of Finance and National planning, US Special Presidential Coordinator for Global Infrastructure and Energy Security and finally Vice Chairman of the Development Bank Group. Image: Nicolas Landemard/Wikimedia Commons.

Of: Patrik Ölvestad

In an interview with Utvecklingsmagasinet tells Chloe The tee van, expert on the think tank European Center for Development Policy Manageement (ECDPM), om digital infrastructure as a tool for local societysdevelopment and reflects on how well these initiatives succeed to respond to civil society needs in the African partner countries.

December 16, 2024, Interview

The EU's war against the tech giants could be fatal

The European Commission, headed by President Ursula von der Leyen, has targeted tech giants such as Google and Apple. And the EU's constant war against the tech giants creates a bad reputation among technology companies, writes Jakob Kerren, FUF correspondent based in Brussels. Photo: EU Parliament. Source: Wikimedia commons.

Of: Jakob Kerren

Brussels has repeatedly collided with de global the tech giants. Ofta justified. But the EU should try to shake things up av sig the anti-technology image if you want to have a chance at it the race om the future 

June 7, 2024, FUF-correspondents, Chronicle

Children's rights in Africa one year into the pandemic

Photo: Jurgen, Flickr

Of: Hanna Kristiansen

The pandemic has been devastating for many children on the African continent. Children have lost valuable education and domestic violence has increased as a result of closed schools. Utvecklingsmagasinet has interviewed Elin Axelgren, international program manager at SOS Children's Villages, to hear how the work goes into the pandemic one year.

June 23, 2021, Interview

Bridging the Rural Literacy Divide

Rural areas face a double burden in securing traditional and digital literacy Photo: Pixabay

Of: Emily Elderfield and Larissa Lachmann

Living in rural areas can hugely affect children's chances of completing education; UNICEF estimates that children in rural areas are more than twice as likely to not attend school compared to their urban peers. Luckily, traveling libraries are one way to ensure that people can enjoy reading, regardless of where they live.

April 27, 2021, Chronicle, English, Magazine

More difficult but not impossible - covid-19 and the global goals

Of: Alan Atkisson

Covid-19 has turned difficult progress into setbacks. The latest figures from the World Bank give a gloomy picture in areas such as global poverty, hunger, health and education. But in the midst of a pandemic, we are also experiencing a dramatic acceleration of digitalisation, greater opportunities for equal inclusion and the development of new investment instruments to lift people out of poverty. We must look at the big picture, think long-term and continue to look for more effective levers for change, says Alan AtKisson, department manager at Sida.

February 15, 2021, Debate