Dare to invest aid in strengthening institutions

Government Offices in Rosario, Philippines.

Supporting countries' public institutions can be an important path to development, the debaters write. Here are some public offices in Rosario, Philippines. Photo: Ramon FVelasquez (CC-3.0)

Of: Bertil Odén and Lennart Wohlgemuth

Strengthening the knowledge level of low-income countries in both private and public institutions is an important way of creating development. Despite this, this type of assistance has been given less and less space. Now we must dare to invest in capacity and institution building - even if it is difficult, write the development experts Bertil Odén and Lennart Wohlgemuth.

October 26, 2018, Debate

The time is ripe for a Swedish human rights institution

Of: Hans Fridlund

Human rights institutions are tasked with ensuring that states comply with national and international human rights conventions. However, Sweden belongs to the countries that do not have such an institution, which has led to criticism from the UN. The establishment of a Swedish human rights institution would not only serve a domestic policy purpose, but also contribute to increasing Swedish credibility in international human rights issues, writes Hans Fridlund, UPR Info.

July 31, 2017, Debate