Climate and environment - a key to sustainable peace

Fishermen in East Timor

Access to water and sanitation has been an important issue in the conflict in East Timor. Photo: Yeowatzup, Flickr.

Of: Florian Krampe and Karolina Eklöw

Although climate and environmental issues are often central to conflicts, they are often forgotten in peace processes. Examples from Colombia, East Timor and Iraq show that land, water and climate change are crucial issues for achieving lasting peace, write Karolina Eklöw and Florian Krampe from the research institute Sipri.

October 18, 2018, Debate

Valuable nature and indigenous territories are threatened by mines

Of: Linnea Kronebrant

The Ecuadorian government pursues an aggressive extraction policy and mining concessions, permits to conduct mining activities, spread over large parts of the country. The new mines affect both indigenous territories and nature reserves - and at the same time the people who are fighting to preserve the vital water and forests are portrayed as "development opponents" and "mafia" by the state. Ecuador has already been hit by the […]

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February 27, 2018, FUF-correspondents

Sweden must increase support for mine management

Of: Alexander Gabelic and Megan Burke

More than 6 people were injured or killed by mines in 000. This is an increase of 2015 percent compared with the previous year. The alarming figures should make the world countries gather forces to get rid of the mining problem, but instead Sweden has halved its support since 75. The negative trend of recent years must reverse, writes Megan Burke, International Campaign against Landmines (ICBL), and Aleksander Gabelic, Swedish UN Federation.

April 4, 2017, Debate

Exclusion of young people - a global security policy problem

Of: Joëlle Golmann

Protests are one of the few spaces that young people have to make their voices heard today. In order to achieve long-term peace, conditions need to be created for young people's organization and the dangerous exclusion of young people at all decision-making levels needs to be combated, both in Sweden and Colombia. It writes Joelle Golmann, organizational developer at PeaceWorks, located in Colombia.

May 27, 2014, Debate