The fight for rights cannot be won by military means

Of: Anna Karin Johansson

Despite good intentions, the Western world has not achieved security and development in Afghanistan. One reason for this is that most of the financial support has gone to military operations. In addition, cooperation with the military has damaged the credibility of civilian aid actors, writes Anna-Karin Johansson, Secretary General of the Swedish Afghanistan Committee, in connection with the ongoing Afghanistan investigation.

June 2, 2016, Debate

Shrinking space for civil society requires countermeasures

Of: Agneta Gunnarsson

At the same time as the importance of civil society for development cooperation is emphasized, its scope for action decreases. The reactions to this have so far been tentative, both in Sweden and internationally. Strategic countermeasures are now required, writes Agneta Gunnarsson, author of one new report about the increasingly harsh climate of civil society.

April 25, 2016, Debate

We must become better at demanding transparency

Of: Gerda Larsson

A new investigation report from the organization Charity Rating shows that the non-profit sector has its most transparent year ever. More and more organizations are choosing to be open about where their collected money goes. But there are still several of the large organizations that do not meet the requirements for transparency, writes Gerda Larsson on Charity Rating.

November 4, 2015, Debate

The independent role of the framework organizations

Of: Sandra Tidefors

In order to achieve the Government's goal of performance-oriented development assistance, Sida is considering opening up support through Swedish civil society organizations (CSOs) so that international actors can also benefit from the grant. The consequences of such a decision should be highlighted and discussed carefully, says Sandra Tidefors.

February 10, 2015, Debate

The government's new development aid policy lacks analysis and visions

Of: Alexander Gabelic, Ann Svensén, Annica Sohlström, Gabi Björsson, Jens Orback and Kristina Henschen

The Government's development assistance platform has too serious shortcomings in order to function as intended as the Swedish development aid policy's overall governing document. It lacks analysis of the world around us and visions of how to achieve a fair and sustainable world. It is serious, say Gabi Björsson, Aleksander Gabelic, Kristina Henschen, Jens Orback, Annica Sohlström and Ann Svensén.

June 9, 2014, Debate

The question is not how much you earn - but what you actually do.

Of: Gerda Larsson

Last week, the newspaper Omvärlden released its annual review of executive salaries in the development assistance industry. Once again, the question of compensation levels falls on the agenda, but what exactly is a reasonable compensation for employees in the non-profit sector or who work with development assistance? Charity Rating considers this to be an incorrectly worded question.

April 30, 2014, Debate

Reply: Organizations are forced to spend money on consultants

With the report "Who is Responsible", we want to focus on donors' excessive control and scrutiny systems in civil society support, which risk counteracting the ambitions to strengthen civil society, promote the development of democracy and fight poverty. Arne Zetterström's reply seems to be about support for governments, which our report is not about. It writes Maj Lis Follér, associate professor at the University of Gothenburg

December 10, 2013, Debate