The summit between the BRICS countries is being held this year in the Russian city of Kazan. Image: MEAphotogallery/Flickr.
Of: Benjamin Frisk
The debate on global issues have, as usual, been dominated by the Ukraine war. But between these debate posts has Meeting of the Brics countries and Swedengiven responsibility for helping the injured and protecting journalists in Gaza discussed, llike the votes in Eastern Europe.
October 29, 2024, Current debate
A circular economy means that the linear economic system we have today is replaced by a closed cycle to save the earth's resources. Photo:
Of: Louise Marklund
A transition to a circular economy is necessary to achieve the global sustainability goals according to the government. The corona pandemic has contributed to an increased need for sustainable consumption and now, for the first time, Sweden is developing a strategy for a circular economy to improve the environment.
November 10, 2020, News