Of: Pavlos Cavelier Bizas
MUF Uppsala County's second vice chairman Andreas Celan argues that the Swedish development assistance budget needs to be reduced with reference to the fact that the money is not used efficiently and goes to corruption. We at SSU are of a different opinion: the development assistance budget should not be reduced and the 1% target should be defended, writes Pavlos Cavelier Bizas, chairman of SSU Uppland.
March 18, 2021, Debate
Of: Andreas Celan
Several cases of failed aid projects show that Sida cannot ensure that the aid money goes where it is supposed to. For this reason, the development assistance budget should be reduced and a larger part of the development assistance money will go to making the necessary investments in Sweden, says Andreas Celan, the Moderate Youth Association in Uppsala.
February 26, 2021, Debate
Joachim Beijmo, Head of Development Aid at the Swedish Embassy in Kinshasa.
Of: Anna Mattsson
Sweden is one of the world's largest donors to the Democratic Republic of Congo. However, the high level of corruption in the country affects development cooperation. Utvecklingsmagasinet has interviewed Joachim Beijmo, head of development assistance at the Swedish embassy in Kinshasa.
February 11, 2021, Interview
Jamia Salimo: It's expensive to be poor. People in poor countries are forced to spend most of their income on food, and yet it is not enough. Farmer Jamia Salimo in Mozambique has just bought soap, salt and cooking oil. Photo: Edson Artur.
Of: Anna Tibblin and Eva Åberg
More people are at risk of starvation than of Covid-19 globally. The world is facing the worst hunger crisis in 50 years - at the same time, only 2,6 percent of Swedish aid goes to agriculture in poor countries. In order to avoid a hunger pandemic, and in general to succeed in achieving the UN's sustainability goal of eradicating world hunger, we must increase our agricultural aid and support for sustainable food production.
January 29, 2021, Debate
The countryside of Kampala, Uganda. Photo: David Nilsson.
Of: David Nilsson
The research community around development issues in Sweden has long been multidisciplinary, weak and fragmented. At the same time, funding for development research is lagging behind. Many researchers in the field are now asking themselves: what does the future of development research really look like?
December 1, 2020, Debate
In Ethiopia, people are suffering from severe floods. Photo: Report - Interagency Needs Assessment, Afar Region, PMU.
Of: Erik Svanberg
In recent months, Ethiopia has been hit by severe floods that have led to an acute humanitarian crisis. Together with local actors, an aid effort is underway to provide people with food and clean water.
November 4, 2020, Analysis
Of: Janet Vähämaki and Susanne Alexis
Trust has long been highlighted as a success factor for successful development projects. But a new EBA report shows that control mechanisms are an important factor for Sida to trust an organization.
October 21, 2020, Analysis
Of: Melanie Alphonse
Employees of non-profit organizations in the Democratic Republic of Congo have been accused of sexually exploiting women during the Ebola crisis. The majority of women know about abuse, despite the fact that the crimes are often difficult to investigate due to stigma and a culture of silence.
October 10, 2020, Reportage
Foreign Minister Ann Linde presents the Government's foreign policy declaration in the Riksdag
Of: Sarah Hyde
Sweden's new foreign declaration, which was presented on Wednesday (12 / 2-20), has been commented on several debate and leader pages this week. The clear security policy imprint is welcomed by several lead writers.
February 13, 2020, Current debate
Electrification can be the key to achieving most of the goals in Agenda 2030, according to this week's debaters, when the focus is on inequality in the world.
Of: Amanda Wibne Romild
Last week, the UN Development Program (UNDP) published a report on human development, which begins with “Inequality. Evidence is everywhere ”. This has resulted in this week's debate focusing on the causes of inequalities and demands for change in Swedish development aid policy.
December 17, 2019, Current debate