Stopping aid to Palestine worsens the situation for civilians

"Palestine needs more development aid, not less." This is written by the Green Party's spokesperson for aid issues, Janine Alm Ericson, after the government's decision to pause development aid to Palestine. Photo: Wafa. Source: Wikimedia commons.

Of: Janine Alm Ericson

These are terrible scenes we have seen from Israel and Palestine in recent weeks. With sadness and anger, we witness how civilians in Palestine and Israel pay the price with their lives for a cynical power game. But cutting off aid to Palestine doesn't stop Hamas - it hurts innocent Palestinians and exacerbates an already inhumane situation. It pwrites Janine Alm Ericson, of the Green Party spokesperson for aid issues. 

October 18, 2023, Debate

Week 41: Debate on Sweden's recognition of Palestine

Bombings are taking place in several places in both Israel and Palestine in the conflicts between Israel and the terrorist organization Hamas. The escalated conflict has been discussed among several Swedish debaters and editorial writers during the past week. Photo: Wafa. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Of: Ellinor Berglund

Den latest of the time The development of violence in Israel and Palestine has probably not gone unnoticed. Israel has declared war on the terrorist organization Hamas and thousands of civilian lives have been claimed on both sides. On Swedish debate- and leader pager have debates above all shopped om Sweden's aid to Palestine and om Sweden should dra back his seat recognition of Palestine or not 

October 16, 2023, Current debate

Week 39: Debate on research money after the outbreak of African swine fever

Researchers are critical of the government's cuts in research aid, and during the past week, Sweden's minister of aid and foreign trade, Johan Forssell (M), responded to the criticism. "The prioritization takes place in the light of a greatly deteriorated external situation," he writes. Photo: Ninni Andersson/Governingskansliet.

Of: Elin Prestgaard and Ina Carlsson

The Swedish government has recently presented the city budget for 2024. Aid is facing major changes with an increased focus on Ukraine and trade, while including the support for researchsbistand is decreasing – which has provoked reactions from academia.

October 2, 2023, Current debate

Split opinions on conditional aid

According to the Tidö Agreement, which was concluded between the government and the Sweden Democrats in October 2022, Swedish aid must be a tool to counter irregular migration. Pictured: Tidö Castle and Sweden Democrats party leader Jimmie Åkesson. Photo: Aplstedt/News Øresund. Source: Wikimedia municipality.

Of: Karin Myrdal

Dropped one percent target, withdrawn research funds for development studies and synergies between trade and aid. That's how it has sounded so far this year when the Tidö parties' reform agenda for Swedish aid policy has started to take shape. Critical voices have been raised both from civil society and from the political oppthe osition – not least that reaction to the proposal to use aid as a means of pressure to increase return migration from Sweden. 

July 12, 2023, Reportage

Trade and aid: "Returns don't always come in the form of money"

"Trade and aid are two sides of the same coin," says Aid and Foreign Trade Minister Johan Forssell (M) (right in picture). However, the Africa groups' secretary general Louise Lindfors (on the left in the picture) is worried that aid will become a subgroup of trade issues. Photo: FUF.

Of: Julia Lundén Azzeddine

Earlier this year, the government presented the changes to be made in aid policy - and a central part is to work more closely with trade and aid. This focus has väckt strong reactions, not least within civil societyället. - Man cannot believe that there will be a market economy model that seamlessly går to apply to development cooperation, sägst Louise Lindfors, general secretary at Athe free food groups.

July 12, 2023, Reportage

Thursday at Almedal Week: Experts question the aid reform

On Thursday, Muharrem Demirok (C) held his party leadership speech in Almedalen - in which he criticized the government's climate policy, among other things. FUF also interviewed Jan Eliasson, former foreign minister and deputy secretary-general of the UN, about the effects of the government's reform of aid policy.

Of: The Chancellery

During Thursday, both Magdalena Andersson (S) and Muharrem Demirok (C) criticized the government's climate policy in their party leadership speeches. The African groups' general secretary Louise Lindfors and Jan Eliasson, former foreign minister and deputy secretary general of the UN, questioned the government's reform of aid in interviews with FUF. - I think the reform is going very quickly, says Jan Eliasson.

June 30, 2023, Almedalen - current

Stenevi (MP) criticized the government's aid policy in his party leadership speech

Märta Stenevi (MP) returned to criticism of the Tidö agreement in her Almedal speech, but she also mentioned the consequences of the climate crisis around the world and criticized the government's focus on the rapprochement between trade and aid. Photo: Axel Selin and Nora Nattorp.

Of: Axel Selin and Nora Nattorp

Märta Stenevi (MP) focused on climate, integration and the current government's policy in her party leadership speech. Global issues were generally given little space in the speech, but she touched on, among other things, the oppression of authoritarian leaders around the world and criticized the government's aid policy.

June 29, 2023, Almedalen - current

Wednesday at Almedal Week: Party leader's speech on migration and interview on the government's aid reform

On Wednesday, FUF asked Johan Forssell (M) questions about the government's reform of aid - and the cuts in funding for development research. Photo: Felizia Livskog.

Of: The Chancellery

On Wednesday, Ulf Kristersson (M) held his party leadership speech in Almedalen, where he touched on migration and Sweden's EU presidency, which is beginning to suffer towards its end, among other things. FUF also asked questions to Aid and Foreign Trade Minister Johan Forssell (M) and Sida's Director General Carin Jämtin about the connection between trade and aid.

June 28, 2023, Almedalen - current

Civil society in a meeting with the minister of aid: "Uncertainty and lack of clarity in politics"

Aid Minister Johan Forsell (M) and State Secretary Diana Janse invited civil society to get input on the aid reform agenda - which will be drawn up during the year. During the meeting, several organizations highlighted that it is unclear what the government actually means by effective aid. Photo: FUF.

Of: Alice Mutambala

During Friday met several civil society organizations Aid Minister Johan Forssell (M) and State Secretary Diana janse for to discuss the reform agenda for the aid – to be designed under 2023. The link between trade and aid and what effective and transparent aid actually means were some of them the discussion points.  

May 5, 2023, News

Reduced aid and increased poverty: "A development heading in the wrong direction"

Agricultural aid is a low priority in Swedish aid, but the Africa Groups' secretary general, Louise Lindfors, believes that it is central to development in southern Africa. Photo: Department of foreign affairs and trade/Africa groups. Source: Flickr/Africa groups.

Of: Amanda Rossling

It is a revolutionary time for Sweden's civil society organisations. The restructuring as the Swedish government has done in aid has meant both cuts to developing countries and to civil society in Sweden.

April 12, 2023, Interview