Supporting countries' public institutions can be an important path to development, the debaters write. Here are some public offices in Rosario, Philippines. Photo: Ramon FVelasquez (CC-3.0)
Of: Bertil Odén and Lennart Wohlgemuth
Strengthening the knowledge level of low-income countries in both private and public institutions is an important way of creating development. Despite this, this type of assistance has been given less and less space. Now we must dare to invest in capacity and institution building - even if it is difficult, write the development experts Bertil Odén and Lennart Wohlgemuth.
October 26, 2018, Debate
Of: Mikael Eriksson
The fight against militant groups such as Daesh in Iraq is closely intertwined with the conditions of the individual citizens of the country. Despite this, coordination between Sweden's military and civilian support is poor. We must increase the dialogue and stop thinking about the downside in Swedish public administration, writes researcher Mikael Eriksson.
October 19, 2017, Debate
Of: Jenny Hedstrom and Johanna Kvist
In recent years, Burma has opened up to the outside world, but women are still excluded from political contexts. It is crucial for the country's continued democratic development to strengthen the rights of girls and women. Sweden should therefore increase support for the local women's organizations whose gender equality work has already led to real change, write Jenny Hedström and Johanna Kvist from the Swedish Burma Committee.
March 16, 2017, Debate
Of: Stein-Erik Kruse
Ownership, realism, coherence and relationships with partners are some of the internal factors that need to be given greater attention - and reflection - in bilateral development cooperation. This is shown by a new report from the Expert Group for Development Aid Analysis (EBA), which looks at Sweden's long-term development cooperation with Uganda. The reporting of results must also be reviewed to adapt to real conditions, writes the report's author Stein-Erik Kruse.
October 25, 2016, Debate
Of: Lennart Wohlgemuth
After about fifteen years of good growth, economic development in Africa has changed abruptly. The need for assistance is increasing at the same time as donor countries are making cuts and reprioritisations. Now we must make sure to safeguard long-term poverty reduction efforts run by the African countries themselves, writes Lennart Wohlgemuth.
May 16, 2016, Debate
Of: Jan Rudengren and Lars Rylander
Despite the fact that Sweden has long provided aid to states, it has led to little democratic progress in the countries. Now we need to rethink and create a new strategy. Investing in migration and non-governmental organizations can be a way to go, write development assistance consultants Lars Rylander and Jan Rudengren.
March 10, 2016, Debate
Of: Stefan Sjölander
In order to reduce poverty and create sustainable welfare systems, functioning public institutions are required. Sweden should make administrative assistance a profile issue for a period ahead. It would be appreciated in the partner countries and give Sweden a good reputation, writes development assistance consultant Stefan Sjölander.
February 3, 2016, Debate