Fast fashion is often associated with large amounts of waste and negative impact on the environment. But there are several ideas for how the textile industry could become more sustainable. Photo: Bicanski. Source: Pixnio.
Of: Cecilia Bergh and Felizia Livskog
Fast fashion contributes to climate change, pollution and unfair working conditions for those who produce the clothes. Despite that, many people collect new clothes at a furious pace, while the old ones are not too rarely dumped in landfills in Africa or Asia. But with the EU's recently voted textile strategy, this is to change - and fashion companies take more responsibility for clothing production.
July 12, 2023, Reportage
Bangladesh does not allow its EPZ workers to exercise their trade union rights. Photo: Solidarity Center (2015), Flickr
Of: Nagaad Kadir Abdimaxmud
Bangladesh is the most dangerous country to be employed in, according to a report by the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC). In the report, Bangladesh is the country that most restricts trade union rights. The strikes at the end of 2018 and the beginning of 2019 resulted in 12 people being fired, 350 prosecuted and 522 unidentified workers reported.
April 16, 2021, News
Together, the trade union movement works globally with gender equality, here at a seminar in Benin. Photo: Lina Karlsson
Of: Sofia Eastmark
Around the world, more women than men have lost income and jobs during the covid-19 pandemic. That is why strong unions are especially important right now. Together, we can put an end to the serious, historic decline for women in working life, says Sofia Östmark, Chancellor at Union to Union.
March 12, 2021, Debate
Of: Edme Dominguez
There is a documentary called Maqulapolis that tells the story of some Mexican women's daily lives. They work as maquiladora workers in Tijuana, Mexico's northwestern border with the United States. Maquiladoras means assembly plants, ie factories that assemble different products from industrial parts that come from different parts of the world. They are part of the so-called “global value […]
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December 8, 2020, Guest chronicle
Of: Kristina Henschen et al.
More than a third of the world's women over the age of 15 have experienced sexual or physical violence. Many of them are exposed in their workplace. Now we demand a new ILO convention to stop gender-based violence in working life, writes the organization Union to Union.
April 17, 2018, Debate