Of: Annelie Andersson
Swedish pension money contributes to small farmers in Latin America losing land that guarantees their livelihood. Human rights and democracy must never be the prize for maximizing economic gain. Therefore, Sweden must take its responsibility in land issues, writes Annelie Andersson from the Latin American groups.
April 20, 2016, Debate
Of: Rebecca Jalvemyr
Fewer and fewer own more and more of the world's arable land. Pension funds, governments and multinational companies are some of those who invest in land - at the expense of smallholders and indigenous peoples. Now Sweden must act to defend people's right to food, land and power, writes Rebecka Jalvemyr at the organization FIAN.
November 13, 2015, Debate
Of: Annie Sturinge (f. Sturesson)
Both Swedish and African pension funds are growing and today own capital that is hundreds of times larger than development assistance. The money could be used to invest in infrastructure projects in Africa, writes Annie Sturesson, former senior economist at the Ministry of Finance in Uganda.
November 3, 2015, Debate