Workers in a mine. Photo: Juan José Napurí Guevara. Source: Canva
Of: Lina Kallio
Twelve women in Indonesia recently died as a result of a landslide destroying the mine they were informally working in. No one knows how many people actually die in a mining-related accident each year, and workthe conditions within the world's most dangerous industry differs itself large globally.
May 3, 2022, Notis
Workers at a soap factory. The factory has no connection to the statements in the article below. Photo: GCShutter Source: Canva.
Of: Lina Kallio
The government's new Africa strategy is criticized after the goal formulation of "improved conditions for productive jobs with decent working conditions, especially for women and young people" was removed. This risks having negative consequences, especially for the young population of the African continent, union voices tell the newspaper Omvärlden.
May 2, 2022, News
A Senegalese migrant worker displaying harvested tomatoes at an Italian tomato farm. Photo: Trafficking in Persons Office, Flickr
Of: Chiara D'Agni and Sofu's Malte Rønberg
The agricultural sector in Southern Italy depends heavily on foreign labor forces coming from other EU member states or third countries. However, seasonal agricultural workers are more likely to experience violations of their rights. This is in order to reduce the producers' wage costs as well as the prices charged to consumers in many countries including the Nordics.
April 27, 2021, English, Magazine, News article
Bangladesh does not allow its EPZ workers to exercise their trade union rights. Photo: Solidarity Center (2015), Flickr
Of: Nagaad Kadir Abdimaxmud
Bangladesh is the most dangerous country to be employed in, according to a report by the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC). In the report, Bangladesh is the country that most restricts trade union rights. The strikes at the end of 2018 and the beginning of 2019 resulted in 12 people being fired, 350 prosecuted and 522 unidentified workers reported.
April 16, 2021, News
Together, the trade union movement works globally with gender equality, here at a seminar in Benin. Photo: Lina Karlsson
Of: Sofia Eastmark
Around the world, more women than men have lost income and jobs during the covid-19 pandemic. That is why strong unions are especially important right now. Together, we can put an end to the serious, historic decline for women in working life, says Sofia Östmark, Chancellor at Union to Union.
March 12, 2021, Debate
The fact that it is work that is carried out in isolation in the employer's home makes household employees extra vulnerable according to the IDWF. Photo:
Of: Linnea Boström
Worldwide, domestic workers work in precarious conditions and, during a pandemic, their situation becomes more difficult. Within a system that lacks structure, there are household employees who work for Swedish development aid workers. "It became a lot of personal responsibility," says Anna-Carin Matterson, a former employee of the Swedish embassy in Zambia.
December 10, 2020, Interview
Lots of people in India's big cities have lost their jobs during the corona crisis. Many have been forced to walk home to their villages. Photo: Rajesh Balouria / Pixabay
Of: Sofia Eastmark
Millions of workers and their families are at risk of poverty due to the corona pandemic. Now the world must increase its focus on social security systems and cooperation between unions and employers. To achieve the global goals, independent and democratic unions are crucial, writes Sofia Östmark at Union to Union.
May 28, 2020, Debate
For almost 60 years, Cuba has attracted attention for sending medical brigades to crisis-stricken regions, such as the earthquake in Haiti in 2010 and the Ebola outbreak in West Africa in 2014. Photo: Julia Spaton Goppers
Of: Julia Spaton Goppers
Many may associate Cuba with charming cars from the fifties, Che Guevara, cigar production and Hemingway's depictions of the sea and nature. The list can be made long, but at present Cuba's exports of medical personnel to the rest of the world are probably the most noticed. Normally, more than 30 Cubans work in 000 different countries, but since the outbreak of the coronavirus, […]
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May 27, 2020, Chronicle
We often hear that we have to cut back on shopping, but what we may not associate it with is consumption's connection to peace and security, the debater writes.
Of: Alexandra Davidson
Buying new shoes, clothes and mobile phones is part of everyday life in Sweden. But our casual overconsumption does not only create environmental problems. It also contributes to wars and conflicts around the world, writes Alexandra Davidsson at the association Conscious Consumption.
November 20, 2019, Debate
It is easy to feel guilty when the workers who produced our food receive extremely low wages. But guilt does not solve any problems, writes Vsevolod Lukashenok. Photo: Bernadette Wurzinger, Pixabay
Of: Vsevolod Lukashenok
In mid-October, the global aid organization Oxfam launched a campaign for decent working conditions in the food industry. The campaign had a simple and clear structure - to serve a three-course meal for only 2 kroner. The price corresponds to the sum that the workers who have grown and picked the raw materials receive for the food served. "The world's most unfair restaurant" was Oxfam's slogan […]
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November 11, 2019, Chronicle