Which parties touched on global issues in their Almedal speeches?

During Almedal Week 2022, FUF's editors analyzed all the party leadership figures. Photo: The Left Party's image bank/Wikimedia Commons, Kristian Pohl – Government Office/Wikimedia Commons, Adriel.seb/Wikimedia Commons, Centerpartiet/Flickr, FarbrorAnna/Wikimedia Commons, politik.in2pic.com/Wikimedia Commons, Frankie Fouganthin/Wikimedia Commons, News Øresund/ Wikimedia Commons.

Of: The Chancellery

During Almedal Week, FUF's editors analyzed all party leaders' speeches and summarized whether, and if so which, global development issues the party leaders mentioned. The Moderates, the Christian Democrats and the Sweden Democrats basically focused solely on Sweden in their speeches, while the other parties in the Riksdag, for example, touched on the climate, the war in Ukraine, NATO and Swedish aid. You will find all analyzes listed below.

September 6, 2022, Almedalen - article

The organizations about development aid settlements: "The outside world is losing confidence in Sweden"

The umbrella organization CONCORD organized a breakfast mingling during the Almedal week to run the campaign #RäddaBiståndet on the streets of Visby together with various member organizations. Photo: Christina Wassholm, CONCORD Sweden.

Of: Hibo Yusuf Ahmed

Sweden's settlements on aid meant 40 percent cut annual budgets for several civil society organizations and their partner operations. Utvecklingsmagasinet has interviewed five organizations that warn that their partner organizations are losing confidence in Sweden and finding it difficult to maintain their work against, among other things, child marriage and female genital mutilation.

July 21, 2022, Almedalen - article, Reportage