The Ebola epidemic is a sign of failed health care

Of: Björn Ekman

The parallel, bureaucratic structures that have emerged in international health assistance mean that the support of the outside world can be directly detrimental to the recipient countries' conditions for development. No more fragmented efforts are needed to deal with the Ebola epidemic, efforts based on knowledge and needs are needed. That is the opinion of Björn Ekman, a researcher at Lund University

October 28, 2014, Debate

Africa: Time to combine aid with investment

Of: Avni Dervishi

While the EU has focused on providing support to its own crisis countries within the Union's borders, Russia and China have invested heavily in strengthening their presence on the African continent. European investments in Africa are relatively small but can be increased with the help of business assistance and by utilizing new Swedes' network of contacts, knowledge and experience. That is the opinion of Avni Dervishi, a political scientist

August 26, 2014, Debate

Give Africa time and space to develop

Of: Göran Hyden

During the African-American summit "US-Africa Leaders Summit", Anders Borg will discuss how development-promoting institutions in Africa can be promoted. In these discussions, it is often overlooked that democracy and development rarely go hand in hand. That democracy and human rights should be prerequisites for development is more an expression of wishful thinking than objectivity. It writes Göran Hydén, professor emeritus of political science and African connoisseur.

August 6, 2014, Debate

Fair trade agreements - important issue for newly elected MEPs

Of: Annica Sohlström and Gabi Björsson

Trade policy is an important issue for the development of poor countries. Despite this, the issue has hardly been debated before the EU election. The agreements with African countries are on the agenda this autumn, the Swedish EU parliamentarians should then ensure that the EU's trade agreements with developing countries promote sustainable and fair development, Gabi Björsson and Annica Sohlström believe.

May 22, 2014, Debate

Wanted: Venture capital without requirements for bonuses and profit maximization

Of: Matthias Wengelin

Safe Waters Foundation Africa has been fighting for ten years to create a financially sustainable sea rescue organization for Lake Victoria in Africa, but lacks an arena for social entrepreneurship. Mattias Wengelin, head of operations, is now calling for venture capital, preferably with a claim for repayment, but without a claim for a refund and profit maximization.

October 25, 2013, Debate

Open letter to Aftonbladet's editor-in-chief

Of: Joachim Beijmo

As editor-in-chief, how have you reasoned about columnist Elisabet Höglund's claims that poor countries have received "billions" in aid, that Africa has "boundless poverty and misery" and that it stands still in countries that are actually moving in the right direction? Sida's communications manager Joachim Beijmo asks that question in an open letter to Aftonbladet's editor-in-chief Jan Helin.

October 22, 2013, Debate