Vivian Ntih came from Nigeria to Spain 20 years ago. In the UNDP report, she says that she went through hell in Europe. Her daughters, Mari Mensah Damson and Elizabeth, were born in Spain. Photo: UNDP
Of: Achim Steiner
Every year, hundreds of thousands of migrants come to Europe without a permit. They all carry important stories of driving forces, fears and development. Our new report shows, among other things, that "nothing" could have stopped most of them from traveling, writes Achim Steiner on the UN's development program UNDP.
November 6, 2019, Debate
Investing in domestic agriculture is the only way to achieve welfare and development in Africa, says the debater. Photo: CIAT (CC BY-SA 2.0)
Of: Inge Gerremo
Many leaders in Africa have taken the easy way and imported cheap food from Europe and North America. To succeed in building a welfare state, it is necessary for African leaders - and the outside world - to invest in domestic agriculture, writes Inge Gerremo, expert on global food issues.
March 18, 2019, Debate
Of: Arvid Owl, Jonathan Rushton and Ulf Magnusson
Investments in improved animal health contribute in several ways to the implementation of Agenda 2030. It shows one new report from the Expert Group on Development Aid (EBA). Improved animal health gives poor animal keepers increased production and yields, and also reduces the spread of infectious diseases and multi-resistant bacteria. Sweden has unique experience of organized animal health work - these experiences should be used in international development cooperation, the authors of the report write.
March 7, 2017, Debate
Of: Stone stream
Media's selective news reporting leads to a low level of knowledge about external issues and to increased racism. How big can the difference in media reporting based on the "proximity principle" be before it becomes unreasonable, if not grotesque? This is the question of Sten Ström, former auditor at the development agency Sida and consultant in development issues and poverty reduction.
August 16, 2016, Debate
Of: Lennart Wohlgemuth
After about fifteen years of good growth, economic development in Africa has changed abruptly. The need for assistance is increasing at the same time as donor countries are making cuts and reprioritisations. Now we must make sure to safeguard long-term poverty reduction efforts run by the African countries themselves, writes Lennart Wohlgemuth.
May 16, 2016, Debate
Of: Lennart Wohlgemuth
The Kampala Declaration on Academic Freedom was created 25 years ago and was of great importance for the opportunities to conduct critical research in Africa. Sweden supported the initiative, despite risks and the sensitive subject. Now the threats to academic freedom in Africa are increasing again, at the same time as Sweden is reducing the resources for research aid. That must change, writes Lennart Wohlgemuth.
April 26, 2016, Debate
Of: Annie Sturinge (f. Sturesson)
Both Swedish and African pension funds are growing and today own capital that is hundreds of times larger than development assistance. The money could be used to invest in infrastructure projects in Africa, writes Annie Sturesson, former senior economist at the Ministry of Finance in Uganda.
November 3, 2015, Debate
Of: Linnea Gelot
Sweden can play an important role in counteracting conflicts in Africa. We should more clearly prioritize conflict prevention and gender equality in the work to promote peace and security, writes researcher Linnéa Gelot.
October 22, 2015, Debate
Of: Jytte Guteland
When the EU signs trade agreements with developing countries, the EU's own interests often come first. The agreements benefit large and resourceful companies and countries, while the goods of poor countries lose value. Now the EU must begin to stand up for fair cooperation where development and social growth are rewarded, writes MEP Jytte Guteland (s).
March 3, 2015, Debate
Of: Fredrik Söderbaum
In connection with Löfven's visit to Africa, a major strategy process is now being initiated within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Sida, which aims to review Sweden's regional development cooperation in sub-Saharan Africa. The process should be guided by a greater focus on issues of national capacity, better coordination and a re-prioritization of excessive support for regional organizations. That is the opinion of Fredrik Söderbaum, professor at the University of Gothenburg.
February 2, 2015, Debate