Africa and the EU are negotiating a new Cotonou agreement

It is time for a new agreement between Africa and the EU. Photo: European Parliament, Flickr

Of: Ismail Bazine and Miguel Largo Vergara 

The Cotonou Agreement, which is under negotiation, regulates the relationship between the EU and the group of states in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific. North Africa is not included and the Cotonou Agreement thus overlooks the region's importance for Europe and the rest of Africa in matters of migration and security.

November 13, 2020, Analysis

Peaceful protests meet with violence in Nigeria

In Nigeria, major protests are taking place against the brutal police violence. Photo: Photo by Kaizenify via Wikimedia (CC-BY-SA 4.0)

Of: Sanna Lindh

Protests against police violence in Nigeria have been highlighted in this week's debate and attracted worldwide attention. During the week, the Swedish government also announced its decision on an increased contribution to the UN's food program, WFP, to tackle the world's global hunger crisis.

October 28, 2020, Current debate

"It's not the virus that will kill my children, it's hunger"

Many families are already starving in Africa. Several parallel crises make the situation even more difficult. Photo: Jules Bosco / USAID

Of: Johan Eldebo

In many ways, covid-19 has changed everything in a couple of months in Africa. From another perspective, the virus is rather another of many threats. Because there are several threats to the progress made in many parts of the continent in recent years. So far in 2020, the first news in many newspapers has been the latest […]

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July 9, 2020, Guest chronicle

Financially vulnerable people fall victim to the pharmaceutical companies' tests


In high-income countries, pharmaceutical research is highly regulated, while in low-income countries there is often a lack of clear ethical regulations.

Of: Isabella Overödder

The Corona pandemic has sparked discussions about whether new vaccines and medicines should be tested in low-income countries. It is a historical trend that drug research is carried out on economically disadvantaged people, while it is the richer people who ultimately have access to the medicines.

May 11, 2020, Reportage

Hunger should be combated with more productive agriculture in Africa

Agriculture and Inge Gerremo

Agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa must be able to saturate a rapidly growing population, writes Inge Gerrremo.

Of: Inge Gerremo

The fact that hunger is brought up for discussion is very welcome. But with the huge population increase Africa is facing, African agriculture will need to increase its productivity. Something that in turn requires significant structural changes in the coming decades, writes Inge Gerremo who has worked for many years with global food supply.

March 13, 2020, Debate

Large-scale and foreign companies are not a solution for democracy in Africa

Farm workers out harvesting

Switching to large-scale and conventional agriculture is not the way we should go, the African groups write. Photo: Noelmcshane, Pexels

Of: Louise Lindfors

We are pleased that Professor Göran Hydén and the Expert Group for Aid Analysis raise issues of democracy in Africa. Unfortunately, we see several errors in the analysis of how we can promote democracy. It writes the Africa groups in a commentary on Göran Hydén's guest column.

January 20, 2020, Debate

Democracy support for Africa needs to be reshaped

Election posters on Yoweri Museveni

Politics in Africa works differently than in Europe, writes Professor Göran Hydén. Here are election posters in Uganda ahead of the 2011 election. Photo: Gabriel White (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Of: Göran Hyden

Thirty years have passed since the waves of democracy swept across the earth. It was the third in the order and differed from previous waves by hitting all continents. There are reasons to review the results. Its influence remains strongest in Latin America and Eastern Europe, where military and communist dictatorships have given way and democracy, albeit threatened, is now […]

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January 9, 2020, Guest chronicle