Showing 1561 to 1570 of a total of 2545 results.

Let us create a decade of solidarity

Of: Nick Doggen

Within ten years, we will eradicate extreme poverty, reduce inequalities and injustices, promote peace and justice, and resolve the climate crisis. Achieving the global goals and Agenda 2030 is a huge challenge. We in Green Youth have always fought for a greener and fairer world. But in order to achieve the global goals, everyone must be involved - and those who have the most resources must shoulder the greatest responsibility.

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March 27, 2020, Debate

The good will for the environment also exists in Brazil

Of: Olivia Vallada

After right-wing populist Jair Bolsonaro was elected president of Brazil, many claim that Brazilians do not care about the environment. That is a provocative statement. I think the truth is more complicated than that. During my stay in Brazil, I have come to better understand the Brazilians' love for nature and the environment. Just like the philosopher Roger Scruton […]

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March 30, 2020, FUF-correspondents

The corona crisis could devastate the economies of low- and middle-income countries

Of: Hugo De Geer Wikner

The corona pandemic is affecting economies around the world. So far, there has been a lot of talk about the rich countries, but how will it affect the economies of more vulnerable countries? Will the corona pandemic even increase extreme poverty in the world? Hugo De Geer Wikner writes about a survey made by Sida's chief economist team.

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April 2, 2020, Analysis