I previous week have reactions after the climate summit COP 29 in Azerbaijan commuted between disappointment and sadness, at the same time it has of the International Criminal Court arrest warrants for two Israeli ministers have divided the debaters.
On 23 November, the negotiations for the UN's 29 climate conference in Baku, Azerbaijan, ended. A main question has been how much the richer countries should contribute financially to the poorer countries' climate transition. The real need is estimated to amount to more than 1000 billion dollars per year.
After overtime negotiations and strong protests from island states and the so-called less developed countries that temporarily left the meeting, the sum landed well below the requested amount. 300 billion dollars is to be mobilized and only from 2035. Too little too late has been a recurring comment from critics during the week.
- The climate summit in Azerbaijan will rather be one in a row where we did not do enough to create the best possible future for the next generation, states DN's editorial staff.
In a analysis i Global Bar Will Worley, reporter at the New Humanitarian, sums up the experience of being on the ground at the summit with a sense of pessimism. In this year's climate meeting, the presence of fossil lobbyists had increased, while the presence of the ten most climate-exposed countries had decreased. In his opinion, the green zone had gone from a place for the exchange of research results to a shop window for the host country, companies and banks.
According to Worley, the meeting was also characterized by ongoing geopolitical changes.
- It was a COP for the middle powers. -The structures of international cooperation, still firmly rooted in the old world, are struggling to cope with a new era of worsening crises and political transactionalism. The UN climate process is fighting for its survival in a time of deeper and global systemic changes, he means.
Different views on international arrest warrants against Israeli ministers
The International Criminal Court (ICC) issuing of the arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former Defense Minister Yoav Gallant have also characterized the debate during the week.
The ICC states that the Israeli representatives are reasonably suspected of crimes against humanity, and of knowingly withholding supplies from the civilian population of Gaza, as well as being responsible for direct attacks on the civilians.
Medan Dagens Nyheters editorial writer Isobel Hadley-Kamptz welcomes the news from the ICC, "one simply cannot conduct even a just war […] with those kinds of methods", she wonders if the arrest warrant will have any positive impact on Israel or the Palestinian life situation.
Hadley-Kamptz mean to Netanyahu rather can take advantage of the court's decision to strengthen its power and contätta to making restrictions on Israeli democracy. As an example, she highlights, among other things, a newly adopted government decision to adjust the rules that make it possible to keep suspected terrorists in custody without trial.
- Those rules have so far almost only been used against Palestinians, but eight extremist Jewish settlers from the West Bank are also currently in such custody. Now the government decided that this measure should in practice only be used against non-Jews, i.e. indirect racist legislation.
On Expressens discussion page the Christian Democratic representatives Magnus Berntsson and Alice Teodorescu Måwe are critical of the arrest warrant, which they believe equates Netanyahu with Putin because both are accused of crimes against humanity.
Berntsson and Teodorescu Måwe wonder why the ICC made a decision in such a politicized issue as the war in Gaza, but did not issue arrest warrants against other world leaders. Something they believe can be used to question the ICC's legitimacy and independence.
- While the ICC is issuing arrest warrants against Israeli ministers, in an issue that is a major political watershed, the court has not chosen to do the same against representatives of Syria and Iran - two states that, with overwhelming evidence, have committed extensive war crimes and crimes against humanity, they write .
Human rights
Finally, the ICC wants to put Netanyahu on trial
Fanny Jonsson, Aftonbladet
Debate: Stand up for a world free of violence against women and girls
Parul Sharma, Ulrika Grandin, UN Women Sweden, Global Bar Magazine
Giving birth should not be a death sentence
Louise Frisk, Amref Health Africa, Everything
Debate: Now we are increasing the speed in the fight against HIV
Peter Sands, Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, Global Bar Magazine
Media in Europe has become weaker
Einar Halien, Petra Wikström, Schibsted Media, Svenska Dagbladet
European Union
Now the EU has really embarrassed itself
Susanna Kierkegaard, Aftonbladet
That is why we vote no to the new EU Commission
Hanna Gedin, Jonas Sjöstedt, Left Party, ETC