The conflict between Israel and Hamas has continued to dominate the Swedish debate and editorial pages during the past week, and the debate is becoming increasingly polarized. Several debaters sound the alarm about an impending genocide of Palestinians, while others point to growing anti-Semitism.
Israel's counterattacks in Gaza constitute, or will constitute, genocide of Palestinians, according to some debaters.
- It's a genocide going on, en second Nakba, an ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian population, writes Jeannette Escanilla, chairman of the non-profit association Ship to Gaza Sweden, i Today's ETC.
Israel's previous call for civilians to move from north to south Gaza is mentioned in particular, and that the death tolls differ.
- It is not even possible to compare the high Palestinian death tolls with Israel's, writes Zina Al-Dewany in Aftonbladet.
She also highlights examples of how the media have reported on the deaths with a passive tone for Palestinian victims - kill or dead - but with an active tone for Israeli victims - has been killed.
Other debaters emphasize instead that Hamas started the fighting by attacking Israel. Hamas has focused on being able to "wipe out the state of Israel", says Tove Lifvendahl from Svenska Dagbladet. If this intent can be proven, it would also constitute genocide, according to UN Genocide Convention.
The counterargument is that Israel has occupied Palestine for decades.
- An occupation that looks reasonably "calm" on the surface hides a paralyzing oppression and a daily low-intensity violence that risks flaring up at any time, write representatives from Björkåfrihet in Goteborgs-posten.
Concerns about rising anti-Semitism
At the same time, other debaters warn of increasing anti-Semitism in Sweden - not least in schools.
- This week, Jewish parents send their children to school knowing that the anti-Semitic sentiments in society are stronger than in a long time, writes Naomi Abramowicz in Goteborgs-posten.
A possible explanation for the fact that anti-Semitism is allowed to increase when the conflict between Israel and Palestine flares up again is, according to Anosh Ghasri, "the skewed Swedish anti-racism that only sees skin color and colonial heritage".
- White Jews have no place in that analysis of power, he writes in Goteborgs-posten.
The debaters who talk about increasing anti-Semitism agree that the best thing would be to fight anti-Semitism from the ground up. They also propose measures to support Sweden's Jewish population.
- Designate synagogues as objects of protection, and there is room for the Armed Forces to help already today, writes Kajsa Dovstad in Goteborgs-posten.
The conflict between Israel and Hamas
Jeannette Escanilla, chairman of Ship to Gaza Sweden, Dagens ETC
The world has an obligation to stop the impending genocide in Gaza
Mikela Lundahl Hero, chairman Björkåfrithet; Kristin Ivarsson, general secretary Björkåfrihet; Maria Padrón Hernández, head of solidarity and sustainability Björkåfrihet, Göteborgs-Posten
When public service is at its best
Tove Lifvendahl, editorial writer, Svenska Dagbladet
I don't see your rage when the children of Gaza are killed
Zina Al-Dewany, editorial writer, Aftonbladet
Open letter to the left: Everyone must condemn Hamas' terrorist slaughter
Open letter signed by over 60 intellectuals, peace activists and progressive opinion leaders, Dagens ETC
Muslim organizations choose silence about the terror
Magnus Norell, researcher specializing in terrorism and the Middle East, Expressen
I condemn everything from Hamas to hummus
Rashid Musa, former chairman of Sweden's young Muslims, Expressen
You don't need to know who fired the missile to feel anger and sadness
Dagens Nyheter's editorial staff
Young Christian Democrats: Repeal the recognition of Palestine, the government
Stefan Sarmes, Association Chairman of the Christian Democratic Youth Association (KDU); Lucas Svärd, Chairman of the Christian Democratic Student Union, Altinget
The Swedish left must stop placing the blame for Hamas massacres on Israel
Gunnar Hökmark, Think tank Frivärld, Göteborgs-Posten
We are for a free Palestine but of course condemn Hamas
Molly Knight, district chairman Young Vänster Gothenburg and Bohuslän, Göteborgs-Posten
Stopping aid to Palestine worsens the situation for civilians
Janine Alm Ericson, the Green Party's spokesperson for aid, Utvecklingsmagasinet
Growing anti-Semitism
That Jew-hatred is justified says something about our society
Anosh Ghasri, guest writer, Göteborgs-Posten
Tobé: S and Incir must take the fight against anti-Semitism seriously
Tomas Tobé, MEP (M), Altinget
Jewish congregations should not pay for the hatred of others
Liv Näslund, education policy spokesperson LUF; Hedvig Lindgren, cultural policy spokesperson LUF; Elin Söderholm, 1st vice-chairman LUF Greater Stockholm. Gothenburg Post
How should teachers educate against anti-Semitism when it is present in the home?
Naomi Abramowicz, editorial writer, Göteborgs-Posten
The defense must be able to protect synagogues
Kajsa Dovstad, guest writer, Göteborgs-Posten